
Yes, that is what I am asking for. In the range query example that you 
provided, that would produce a set of object keys. It would be excellent if I 
could also get the keys themselves.

Still, I think the best example that describes what I am looking for is in the 
MySQL query that I showed:

        SELECT catalog FROM urls GROUP BY catalog;

After writing the original email, I managed to do exactly that with a 
map-reduce function. However, since then my index has grown to about 900,000 
documents and the map-reduce query now times out (although I have yet to delve 
into the configuration try to adjust so that it will not time out).

Still, tt seems reasonable that if the index exists, then I should be able 
quickly access a list of all index keys without having to examine all of the 
data. Your solution appears that it would alleviate the situation, despite not 
being exactly what I'm looking for.

I look forward to the next release and appreciate the work done on Riak and 
fast responses on this list.

In the meantime, I will see if I can configure riak so my map-reduce query does 
not time out.

(If anybody on this list would like to see the map-reduce query that I am using 
for their own reference, please message me. It's actually quite basic, but if 
you are getting started like I am, it sometimes helps to see an example. I'm 
not going to clutter the email with it unless somebody would like to see it.)

- Jeff

On Apr 10, 2013, at 4:34 AM, Russell Brown <> wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> On 10 Apr 2013, at 02:54, Jeff Peck <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In Riak, is it possible to retrieve all of the keys of an index? I do not 
>> want the object keys in this case, but rather the actual index keys.
> I think this is covered by a feature I'm adding, if I understand what you're 
> asking for. Does this example give you the values you want?
> Say in current riak the query you might do would be
> curl localhost:8098/buckets/your_bucket/index/catalog_bin/1000/2000
> would get you a list of keys. In 1.4 there'll be the option to get the index 
> values as well, so the results would be an array of pairs like {results: 
> ["1001" : "primary_key"]} where the first element is the value of catalog_bin 
> index and the second the primary key of the object.
> Is that what you're asking for?
> Cheers
> Russell
>> I am not sure that I am using the correct terminology, but to illustrate, 
>> consider a Riak bucket with the following objects, where "catalog" is 
>> indexed to "catalog_bin":
>> {'url':'', 'catalog':'1001'}
>> {'url':'', 'catalog':'1001'}
>> {'url':'', 'catalog': 1002'}
>> {'url':'', 'catalog': 1002'}
>> {'url':'', 'catalog': 1003'}
>> I would like to retrieve all of the keys for the index catalog_bin. From the 
>> above example, that would be:
>> 1001
>> 1002
>> 1003
>> To illustrate further, it would be the equivalent of the following in MySQL, 
>> if the above data were to be in a table called "urls":
>>      SELECT catalog FROM urls GROUP BY catalog;
>> I would appreciate any advice as to how to query for this in Riak, or if 
>> this not feasible, then perhaps a suggestion for the best way to organize 
>> the data.
>> Thank you,
>> Jeff
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