Hi Dmitri,

Thanks for your clarification. I was pretty sure that was how it would work
- and so I had planned a different way of migrating to a new backend. I
intended to introduce new nodes which have the eleveldb backend configured,
and presumed that Riak would move data into this backend as the node joined
the cluster. Then I would migrate out the bitcask nodes one-by-one.

Would this approach work? Or will I need to look at a migration tool?


On 10 April 2013 00:06, Dmitri Zagidulin <dzagidu...@basho.com> wrote:

> Matt,
> Just for clarity - you mention that you plan to move the backend to
> LevelDB before backing up old data.
> I just want to caution and say - if you switch the config setting from
> Bitcask to LevelDB and restart the cluster, Riak does not automatically
> migrate the data for you, to the new back end.
> Meaning, if you just switch to LevelDB (without backing up data), you'll
> have an empty cluster running on leveldb, and you'd have no way to access
> the old data in Bitcask. Backing up and restoring data is helpful precisely
> in the areas of migrating to a different back end (or to a different ring
> size).
> (You probably knew this, and have a migration plan in mind already, but I
> just wanted to make sure).
> If you need a good "logical backup" tool, take a look at
> https://github.com/dankerrigan/riak-data-migrator (it's java-based, but
> is pretty good at backing up the contents of one or more buckets to disk,
> and then restoring afterwards). (As opposed to "file based backup" as
> described in http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/cookbooks/Backups/ , which
> is the recommended approach for backups for a production cluster, but won't
> help you in migrating to a different backend).
> Dmitri
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 7:20 PM, Matt Black <matt.bl...@jbadigital.com>wrote:
>> All,
>> Huge thanks for your replies. It seems to me that our approach with
>> MapReduce queries has been fundamentally wrong, and that I should rewrite
>> my backup script to use sequential GETs. Currently we're on the bitcask
>> backend, and on our roadmap is a move over to eleveldb and the application
>> of appropriate 2i across the whole dataset. Looks like that will be the
>> next step - before doing any backup of old data.
>> Matt
>> On 9 April 2013 01:01, Dmitri Zagidulin <dzagidu...@basho.com> wrote:
>>> Matt,
>>> My recommendation to you is - don't use MapReduce for this use case.
>>> Fetch the objects via regular Riak GETs (using connection pooling and
>>> multithreading, preferably).
>>> I'm assuming that you have a list of keys (either by keeping track of
>>> them externally to Riak, or via a Secondary Index query or a Search query),
>>> and you want to back up those objects.
>>> The natural inclination, once you know the keys, is to want to fetch all
>>> of those objects via a single query, and MapReduce immediately comes to
>>> mind. (And to most developers, writing the MR function in Javascript is
>>> easier and more familiar than in Erlang). Unfortunately, as Christian
>>> mentioned, it's very easy for the JS VMs to run out of resources and crash
>>> or time out. In addition, I've found that rewriting the MapReduce in Erlang
>>> affords only a bit more resources -- once you hit a certain number of keys
>>> that you want to fetch, or a certain object size threshold, even Erlang MR
>>> jobs can time out (keep in mind, while the Map phase can happen in parallel
>>> on all of the nodes in a cluster, all the object values have to be
>>> serialized on the single coordinating node, which becomes the bottleneck).
>>> The workaround for this, even though it might seem counter-intuitive, is
>>> -- if you know the list of keys, fetch them using GETs. Even a naive
>>> single-threaded "while loop" way of fetching the objects can often be
>>> faster than a MapReduce job (for this use case), and it doesn't time out.
>>> Add to that connection-pooling and multiple worker threads, and this method
>>> is invariably faster.
>>> Dmitri
>>> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 4:27 AM, Christian Dahlqvist <christ...@basho.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>> If you have a complicated mapreduce job containing multiple phases
>>>> implemented in JavaScript, you will most likely see a lot of contention for
>>>> the JavaScript VMs which will cause problems. While you can tune the
>>>> configuration [1], you may find that you will need a very large pool size
>>>> in order to properly support your job, especially for map phases as these
>>>> run in parallel.
>>>> The best way to speed up the mapreduce job and get around the VM pool
>>>> contention is to implement the mapreduce functions in Erlang.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Christian
>>>> [1]
>>>> http://docs.basho.com/riak/1.2.0/references/appendices/MapReduce-Implementation/#Configuration-Tuning-for-Javascript
>>>> --------------------
>>>> Christian Dahlqvist
>>>> Client Services Engineer
>>>> Basho Technologies
>>>> EMEA Office
>>>> E-mail: christ...@basho.com
>>>> Skype: c.dahlqvist
>>>> Mobile: +44 7890 590 910
>>>> On 8 Apr 2013, at 08:20, Matt Black <matt.bl...@jbadigital.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the reply, Christian.
>>>> I didn't explain well enough in my first post - the map reduce
>>>> operation is merely loading a bunch of objects, and a Python script which
>>>> makes the connection to Riak then will write these objects to disk. (It's
>>>> probably obvious, but I'm using javascript and riak python client.)
>>>> The query itself has many map phases where a composite object is built
>>>> up from related objects spread across many buckets.
>>>> I was hoping there may be some kind of timeout I could adjust on a
>>>> per-map phase basis - clutching at straws really.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Matt
>>>> On 8 April 2013 17:14, Christian Dahlqvist <christ...@basho.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Without having access to the mapreduce functions you are running, I
>>>>> would assume that a mapreduce job both writing data to disk as well as
>>>>> deleting the written record from Riak might be quite slow. This is not
>>>>> really a use case mapreduce was designed for, and when a mapreduce job
>>>>> crashes or times out it is difficult to know how far along the processing
>>>>> of different records it got.
>>>>> I would therefore recommend considering running this type of archiving
>>>>> and delete job as an external batch process instead as it will give you
>>>>> better control over the execution and avoid timeout problems.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Christian
>>>>> On 8 Apr 2013, at 00:49, Matt Black <matt.bl...@jbadigital.com> wrote:
>>>>> > Dear list,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I'm currently getting a timeout during a single phase of a
>>>>> multi-phase map reduce query. Is there anything I can do to assist this in
>>>>> running?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > It's purpose is to backup and remove objects from Riak, so it will
>>>>> run periodically during quiet times moving old data out of Riak into file
>>>>> storage.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>> >   File "./tools/rolling_backup.py", line 185, in <module>
>>>>> >     main()
>>>>> >   File "./tools/rolling_backup.py", line 181, in main
>>>>> >     args.func(**kwargs)
>>>>> >   File "/srv/backup/tools/mapreduce.py", line 295, in do_map_reduce
>>>>> >     raise e
>>>>> > Exception:
>>>>> {"phase":2,"error":"timeout","input":"[<<\"cart-products\">>,<<\"cd67d7f6e2688bc2089e6fa79506ac05-2\">>,{struct,[{<<\"uid\">>,<<\"cd67d7f6e2688bc2089e6fa79506ac05\">>},{<<\"cart\">>,{struct,[{<<\"expired_ts\">>,<<\"2013-03-05T19:12:23.906228\">>},{<<\"last_updated\">>,<<\"2013-03-05T19:12:23.906242\">>},{<<\"tags\">>,{struct,[{<<\"type\">>,<<\"AB\">>}]}},{<<\"completed\">>,false},{<<\"created\">>,<<\"2013-03-04T02:10:18.638413\">>},{<<\"products\">>,[{struct,[{<<\"cost\">>,0},{<<\"bundleName\">>,<<\"Product\">>},...]},...]},...]}},...]}]","type":"exit","stack":"[{riak_kv_w_reduce,'-js_runner/1-fun-0-',3,[{file,\"src/riak_kv_w_reduce.erl\"},{line,283}]},{riak_kv_w_reduce,reduce,3,[{file,\"src/riak_kv_w_reduce.erl\"},{line,206}]},{riak_kv_w_reduce,maybe_reduce,2,[{file,\"src/riak_kv_w_reduce.erl\"},{line,157}]},{riak_pipe_vnode_worker,process_input,3,[{file,\"src/riak_pipe_vnode_worker.erl\"},{line,444}]},{riak_pipe_vnode_worker,wait_for_input,2,[{file,\"src/riak_pipe_vnode_worker.erl\"},{line,376}]},{gen_fsm,handle_msg,7,[{file,\"gen_fsm.erl\"},{line,494}]},{proc_lib,...}]"}
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
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