
That's a good idea; I'll see if I can add that to the docs.


On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Matt Black <>wrote:

> I think an short and explicit discussion of using sequential GETs would be
> good to add to the docs in [1]. It'll be helpful to put the alternate
> option in the reader's head so they can evaluate as they're going through
> the article.
> Cheers
> Matt
> On 9 April 2013 02:02, Jeremiah Peschka <>wrote:
>> I want to follow up on the recent "Map phase timeout" thread [2]. In part
>> out of curiosity and in part as a documentation clean up... Should the
>> documentation at [1] be changed? Specifically, the docs say MR should be
>> used:
>>    - *When you know the set of objects you want to MapReduce over (the
>>    bucket-key pairs) *(emphasis added)
>>    - When you want to return actual objects or pieces of the object –
>>    not just the keys, as do Search & Secondary Indexes
>>    - When you need utmost flexibility in querying your data. MapReduce
>>    gives you full access to your object and lets you pick it apart any way 
>> you
>>    want.
>> It seems to me that a lot of discussions around MR in Riak come down to
>> "You're close but this isn't the best use case of MapReduce in Riak." Would
>> it be better, for the purposes of a general discussion, to say that
>> MapReduce is the appropriate paradigm when you want to:
>>    - manipulate a large amount of data inside the Riak cluster in bulk -
>>    e.g. read all of my sales orders and where the version is 1, perform the
>>    changes necessary to update the order format to version 2.
>>    - burn a lot of I/O and make your admin sad
>>    - move data from one bucket to another
>>    - re-write an entire bucket so all data is indexed for 2i, search, etc
>>    - Anything where the query can be resumed with no knowledge of state
>>    at the time the last run of the query failed.
>> Are there other use cases when MR is the better approach?
>> [1]:
>> [2]:
>>  ---
>> Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
>> MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
>> Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
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