I would assume that standard KV AAE triggers a re-write via standard mechanisms 
which would in turn re-index a key's data in solr. But I could be 100% wrong 
about that....


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On Apr 8, 2013, at 17:08, Elias Levy <fearsome.lucid...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am curious as to how Yokozuna's AAE works.  I presume that Yokozuna does 
> not store a copy of the data it indexed.  Thus, while it can create the 
> entropy tree when data is indexed, my understand it that the tree is 
> recreated at some interval.  I am wondering how Yokozuna recreates the tree 
> if it does not have access to the original data.  I asume its not using the 
> KV data, since that is exactly what it wants to compare against to ensure its 
> in sync.
> Elias Levy
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