Hello Riak Community,

Jeremiah and I are happy to announce that we've just released
CorrugatedIron v1.3.0 today. This release includes a number of bug fixes
and some new features and enhancements.

This release brings CorrugatedIron to parity with Riak v1.3 in all areas
except for IPv6 support. We hope to have this in place in our next revision.

All the details can be found in the release notes[1] and the package can be
pulled from Nuget[2]. We have updated the documentation[3] and the sample
applications[4] to include the latest version. If your'e a CI user, please
consider upgrading.

There's more to come!

Thanks for your attention.
OJ & Jeremiah.

[2]: http://nuget.org/packages/corrugatediron
[3]: http://corrugatediron.org/
[4]: https://github.com/DistributedNonsense/CorrugatedIron.Samples


OJ Reeves
+61 431 952 586
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