Hello, I recently setup a test cluster to try to do a tech demo web application on.
I have been having some weirdness with the map reduce functionality. My database is here: http://aimed.cc:8098/riak/rekon/go#/buckets/test_rand_docs The cluster has 5 nodes ulimit 4096 This is Riak 1.3.0 release on Debian with 663 of free memory. I am running this map reduce: curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" \ http://aimed.cc:8098/mapred --data @-<<\EOF {"inputs": "test_rand_docs", "query":[{"map":{"language":"javascript","source":" function (v) { var r = {}; var data = JSON.parse(v.values[0].data); r.data = data; r.key = v.key; return [ r ]; } "}},{"reduce":{"language":"javascript","source":" function (v) { var r = {}; for( var i in v ) { var doc = v[i]; if( doc['data'] !== undefined) { var age = doc['data']['age_int']; if ( age !== undefined && age > 10 && age <25 ){ r[doc['key']] = doc['data']; } } } return [ r ]; } "}}] my result is randomly: [{"9DYMGV0B6Jdn5DivoTExiqyDYUC":{"age_int":24},"JQYUs2onC822EOzMaToz71j77e":{"age_int":18},"AcrUwotAdYaV5zitaMylnUgYsWY":{"age_int":24}}] or [{"LYJpg97ZA5qjZTTv2cfavmRgxLb":{"age_int":11}}] but it is clear with this: http://aimed.cc:8098/solr/test_rand_docs/select?q=age_int:[10%20TO%2025] that there are 134 records .... so what is going on? Is it low memory? Or that it is on a XEN machine (Linode)? Is there a scaleable memory server vendor (AWS or w/e) I should consider? Thanks, Kartik Thakore
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