Awesome news! 

Is someone already working on a Homebrew Formula for it? (don't want to 
duplicate efforts if they are...)


Jon Brisbin

On Mar 20, 2013, at 9:34 AM, Mark Phillips <> wrote:

> Hi All -
> Grab a coffee and hang onto your buffers. There is a lot of awesome
> stuff to cover here.
> ## Riak CS Now Open Source
> It is with great pride, pleasure, and excitement that we announce Riak
> CS (Cloud Storage) is now open source under the Apache 2 license!
> For those of you not familiar with Riak CS, here's the tl;dr (from our docs):
> Riak CS is multi-tenant cloud storage software for public and private
> clouds. Built on Basho's distributed database Riak, Riak CS is
> designed to provide simple, available, distributed cloud storage at
> any scale. Riak CS is S3-API compatible and supports per-tenant
> reporting for billing and metering use cases.
> If you want to take it for a test drive:
> * Complete Riak CS Documentation:
> * Downloads:
> * Riak CS Fast Track:
> * Riak CS Source on GitHub:
> For more information on what Riak CS is and why you should use and
> contribute to it:
> * Detailed blog post on the Riak CS release:
> * Riak CS on
> * RICON EAST this May in New York City will have various Riak CS
> content and talks. Join us:
> * The HackerNews thread is sure to be quite lively, too :)
> Wired [1], TechCrunch [2], and GigaOm [3] also did pieces on the release.
> ## Riak CS 1.3 Is Now official
> In addition to the code being open source, we're also releasing the
> 1.3 version of Riak CS.
> This release is full of great features and numerous bug fixes. The
> full Riak CS 1.3 release notes are here:
> ## Community Support - Mailing List and IRC
> We're planning to use the existing Riak users mailing list for Riak CS
> users. Most of the issues and deployment questions about CS will have
> some sort of Riak component to them, so it doesn't make sense to split
> the discussions and support channels in two at the moment. That said,
> if the CS-specific traffic proves to heavy, we'll revisit the idea of
> spinning up a new list for CS.
> Additionally, the #riak room on freenode will serve as the IRC support 
> channel.
> ## What Now?
> If you've never been excited about S3-Compatible cloud storage, the
> time is now. :) All of us here at Basho are thrilled about expanding
> the Riak Community with those of you who need flexible, scalable, open
> source cloud storage. We're looking forward to you using and
> contributing to Riak CS.
> Let us know if you have any questions. And thanks for being a great community.
> Mark (on behalf of Basho)
> [1]
> [2] 
> [3]
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