Hi Petter,

> Hi
> I would like to use Riak, but counters is a must in this project. They are so 
> handy :-)
> I tried to build the riak-dt, but the build-system seems broken. I get this 
> when i do make devrel:
> ERROR: generate failed while processing /Users/petter/erlang/riak/rel: 
> {'EXIT',{{badmatch,{error,"luke: : Missing application directory."}},
>          [{rebar_reltool,generate,2,[]},
>           {rebar_core,run_modules,4,[]},
>           {rebar_core,execute,5,[]},
>           {rebar_core,process_dir0,6,[]},
>           {rebar_core,process_dir,4,[]},
>           {rebar_core,process_commands,2,[]},
>           {rebar,main,1,[]},
>           {escript,run,2,[{file,"escript.erl"},{line,741}]}]}}
> Any clues?

I think the riak-dt branch of riak has got a bit stale and needs a rebase. I'll 
do that today and post back when I have it working.

> The riak-dt does also seem a little bit forgotten - no commits in a couple of 
> months. Is it still planned?

Riak_dt, or something like it _is_ still planned. We're working out how best to 
integrate CRDTs in general (and counters in particular) into Riak_kv. In the 
meantime I'll fix up that experimental branch.



> Cheers,
> Petter

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