Hi Dave,

On 16 Jan 2013, at 11:29, Dave Brady <dbr...@weborama.com> wrote:

> Greetings, 
> I won't bore everyone with details here: the short story is I ran "riak-admin 
> cluster leave/plan/commit" to remove a node and got a lot of grief from our 
> five-node ring. 
> The ring was pretty well de-stabilized. One-or-more nodes would be down, then 
> up, when repeatedly running "riak-admin ring-status". 
> I have finally isolated a wildly misbehaving node (not the one I was trying 
> to make "leave", by the way). 
> None of the existing metrics I was graphing highlighted a problem, so I went 
> through "/stats" (yet again), looking at the undocumented metrics to see what 
> looked interested. 
> I noticed that riak_kv_vnodeq_total was showing up with a non zero-value, so 
> I set up a graph which plots the difference between the previous-and-current 
> value (like I do for the other "*_total" metrics). 
> The results were *very* interesting! The other four nodes showed occasional 
> values of 1, 2 even 3 once or twice. Our troublesome node showed 152, 8000, 
> 704... !! 
> Does anyone know what riak_kv_vnodeq_total indicates? 

It is the total number of messages in the queues for all the riak_kv_vnodes 
running on the node. Large queues mean that a/some vnode(s) are not able to 
keep up with the requests made of it/them. 



> Thanks!
> --
> Dave Brady
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