Evening, Morning, Afternoon to All - For today's Recap: new code, blogs, meetups, and more.
Enjoy, and thanks for being a part of Riak. Mark twitter.com/pharkmillups Riak Recap for January 2 - 7 ===================== 1) Romulka released a json editor for Riak that runs as a Chrome extension. * Code here ---> https://github.com/romulka/riak_json_editor 2) Theo Bot released some code to connect Riak to the Perl Catalyst framework. * Latest here ---> https://metacpan.org/release/Catalyst-Model-Riak 3) We added some documentation about things you might do after you've installed Riak. * Read here ---> http://docs.basho.com/riak/1.2.1/tutorials/installation/Post-Installation/ 4) It looks like Riak will be officially supported in the upcoming Fedora 18 release. * Details here ---> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Riak 5) Eric Redmond whipped up a new Riak downloads page for docs.basho.com * Take it for a spin here ---> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/downloads/ 6) You still have a few more days to register for the Riak Meetup in NYC next week. * Details here ---> http://www.meetup.com/NYC-Riak-Meetup/events/97496612/ 7) The smart people over at enStratus are hiring hackers to work with Riak, Chef, Puppet, and something called "Open Stack." * Details here for anyone interested --- > https://twitter.com/botchagalupe/status/288697580865605632 8) Slides from Shanley Kane's "From Relational To Riak" webinar are now online. * Consume here ---> https://speakerdeck.com/basho/from-relational-to-riak 9) RĂ©mi Alvade wrote a blog post about the work he and Shopping Adventure are doing with Riak, PHP, and Symfony2. * Read here ---> http://blog.shoppingadventure.fr/developers/2013/01/04/riakbundle-manipuler-riak-au-travers-dun-bundle-symfony-pret-a-lemploi/ 10) Riak and CRDTs were part of the latest Mostly Latest podcast. (The good stuff starts around 41:55.) * Listen here ---> http://mostlylazy.com/2013/01/04/episode-9-with-kevin-lynagh-and-paul-degrandis-web-dev-ennui-crdts-and-core-logic/ - 11) Christopher Biscardi wrote a quick blog post about why he's looking into Riak, Elastic Search, and Riak Core. * Read here ---> http://christopherbiscardi.tumblr.com/post/39747397606/riak-erlang 12) Tom "Bishop" Santero's "Adventures With Eventual Consistency" slides from a recent talk he gave in Philadelphia are now online. * Consume here ---> http://emergingtech.chariotsolutions.com/big-data-seminar/ 13) Basho opened up our Riak CS Test Harness to the public. * Details and sign up here ---> http://basho.com/blog/technical/2013/01/07/Try-Riak-Cloud-Storage/ 14) Basho is sponsoring the inaugural Monitorama in Boston this March. * Details here ---> monitorama.com/#sponsors 15) There's a Riak adapter in the works for the Node.js document storage ODM courtesy of Jonas Grimfelt. * Code here ---> https://npmjs.org/package/node-document-storage-riak 16) There's a "Intro to Riak" talk happening in Boulder on January 23rd. * Register here ---> http://www.meetup.com/Boulder-Denver-Big-Data/events/95909782/ _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com