
The client you are trying to use is the internal Riak client. This will work if 
you attach [1] to the Riak console and want to query Riak. If you are writing 
an application to be run from outside Riak, you should instead use the Riak PB 
Erlang Client [2].

Best regards,


[2] https://github.com/basho/riak-erlang-client

On 20 Dec 2012, at 18:52, Shaan Sapra <shaanf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to understand the Erlang API for Map/Reduce queries, but I'm not 
> sure what I'm doing. 
> I have 4 nodes made by the command 'make devrel'. I started all 4 and joined 
> them into a cluster. Now when I try to follow the documentation here.
> 1> {ok, Client} = riak:local_client().
> I receive : ** exception error: undefined function riak:local_client/0
> I looked around for the erlang files and found them in riak/deps/riak_kv/src. 
> Realizing my shell didn't know about these files, I ran the erlang shell in ^ 
> directory, but then I received this:
> ** exception error: undefined function riak_core_util:mkclientid/1
>      in function  riak:client_connect/2 (riak.erl, line 120)
> Can someone please help me understand how I should be calling these functions 
> and where?
> Also, if someone could explain how to run M/R queries as a script instead of 
> in the shell and provide some example code, that would be great!
> Thanks,
> Shaan Sapra
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