
I am trying to build riak-1.2.1. The make command :~/riak-1.2.1> make gives 
this known error:

==> eleveldb (get-deps)
Cloning into 'leveldb'...
fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'http'
ERROR: Command ['get-deps'] failed!
make: *** [deps] Error 1

I saw a resolution on the net saying to do replace git by http:

        if [ ! -d leveldb ]; then
#   git clone git://github.com/basho/leveldb
           git clone http://github.com/basho/leveldb

            (cd leveldb && git checkout $LEVELDB_VSN)

The problem is that I am behind a firewall.
Is there another solution where I can download some code from basho site into 
some directory in my machine to avoid the firewall issue?


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