
I am trying to add a new nodes.   I get node un reachable when handing
off.  I restart the new node and dies quick.  Below is the output of the
error log.  So....how do I resolve?

2012-12-05 02:50:35.335 [error]
<0.14969.101>@riak_core_handoff_sender:start_fold:210 ownership_handoff
transfer of riak_kv_vnode from 'riak@'
296867520082839655260123481645494988367611297792 to 'riak@'
296867520082839655260123481645494988367611297792 failed because of closed
2012-12-05 02:50:35.348 [error]
<0.152.0>@riak_core_handoff_manager:handle_info:274 An outbound handoff of
partition riak_kv_vnode 296867520082839655260123481645494988367611297792
was terminated for reason: {shutdown,{error,closed}}
2012-12-05 02:50:35.688 [error]
<0.14445.101>@riak_core_handoff_sender:start_fold:210 ownership_handoff
transfer of riak_kv_vnode from 'riak@'
388211372416021087647853783690262677096107081728 to 'riak@'
388211372416021087647853783690262677096107081728 failed because of closed
2012-12-05 02:50:35.694 [error]
<0.152.0>@riak_core_handoff_manager:handle_info:274 An outbound handoff of
partition riak_kv_vnode 388211372416021087647853783690262677096107081728
was terminated for reason: {shutdown,{error,closed}}
2012-12-05 02:50:53.487 [error]
<0.15966.101>@riak_core_handoff_sender:start_fold:210 ownership_handoff
transfer of riak_kv_vnode from 'riak@'
296867520082839655260123481645494988367611297792 to 'riak@'
296867520082839655260123481645494988367611297792 failed because of closed
2012-12-05 02:50:53.494 [error]
<0.152.0>@riak_core_handoff_manager:handle_info:274 An outbound handoff of
partition riak_kv_vnode 296867520082839655260123481645494988367611297792
was terminated for reason: {shutdown,{error,closed}}
2012-12-05 03:29:23.686 [error] <0.549.0>@riak_kv_vnode:init:265 Failed to
start riak_kv_eleveldb_backend Reason: {db_open,"Corruption: CURRENT file
does not end with newline"}
2012-12-05 03:29:23.751 [error] <0.169.0> gen_server
riak_core_vnode_manager terminated with reason: no match of right hand
value {error,{db_open,"Corruption: CURRENT file does not end with
newline"}} in riak_core_vnode_manager:get_vnode/3 line 489
2012-12-05 03:29:23.767 [error] <0.169.0> CRASH REPORT Process
riak_core_vnode_manager with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of
right hand value {error,{db_open,"Corruption: CURRENT file does not end
with newline"}} in riak_core_vnode_manager:get_vnode/3 line 489 in
gen_server:terminate/6 line 747
2012-12-05 03:29:23.775 [error] <0.549.0> CRASH REPORT Process <0.549.0>
with 0 neighbours exited with reason: {db_open,"Corruption: CURRENT file
does not end with newline"} in gen_fsm:init_it/6 line 371
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