Hi Mark,

The proposed design has only one major benefit: it reduces the number
of different technologies to work with / support. I haven't
implemented it myself (yet), but a friend of mine might do soon, I'll try
to get the results published.


On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Mark Phillips <m...@basho.com> wrote:
> Hi Istvan,
> I've not yet seen Riak hacked into a queue, and I suspect it's for
> good reason. Your design sounds like a lot of work just to emulate the
> functionality that something that like Kafka or RabbitMQ can do out of
> the box (though I have to admit the "Riak as a Queue" headline on
> HackerNews would be quite nice).
> Out of curiosity, any chance you made a pass at it over the last few weeks?
> Mark
> twitter.com/pharkmillups
> On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 11:58 PM, Istvan Soos <istvan.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm playing with the idea how Riak could be used to build a pub/sub
>> messaging on it. I know that there are specialized products for that,
>> I just find it an interesting problem to solve it with Riak only (+
>> not too much client code).
>> The example scenario is the following:
>> - N producers create e.g. "task items", store it in Riak
>> - M workers/consumers try to complete them and after completion delete
>> the items from Riak
>> - workers choose from "one of the oldest" task items, e.g. there is a
>> close-to-fair scheduling (but no absolute ordering)
>> - workers try to not work on the same task
>> In the first iteration, I'd use:
>> - secondary index with the actual timestamp to provide ordering
>> - the workers could use (hash modulo M) decision to work on a given task
>> - the workers periodically re-sync their status (e.g. number of active
>> workers) through a different bucket
>> I'm not entirely convinced that this is a scalable design, but it
>> seems good on the design board. Does anyone have a working experience
>> with similar designs? Any hint that x/y/z could go wrong?
>> Thanks,
>>   Istvan
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