Apart from retrieving all keys and deleting the records from the client, you 
can delete them through a map reduce job. I created a map phase function that 
deletes all keys passed in, and it is available in my map reduce utilities 
library (https://github.com/whitenode/riak_mapreduce_utils). There is an 
example in the documentation of how to delete all keys belonging to a specific 
bucket in the README file.

There is also a reduce phase function available in riak_function_contrib that 
also allows deletion of keys passed in 

Best regards,


On 19 Nov 2012, at 03:47, 郎咸武 wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I create a <<"test">> bucket. Now i want to delete the bucket. But i can not 
> found the API in the wiki.
> How to delete the bucket? Please give a piece idea.
> Cheers, Jason.
> -- 
> 只为成功找方法,不为失败找理由
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