I'd still be interested in an answer from the Basho folk regarding the
product questions. Putting to one side the "how" for now, *should* Riak be
able to satisfy any or all those three scenarios?


On 13 November 2012 23:34, Shane McEwan <sh...@mcewan.id.au> wrote:

> G'day Tom and Matt. Thanks for your suggestions.
> Even though our two cluster networks are separate it would theoretically
> be possible to have nodes from the new cluster join the old cluster and
> migrate data that way. However, we would prefer to leave the old cluster
> untouched as much as possible in case we need to abort the migration and
> continue to use the old cluster in production. Performing an upgrade on our
> currently working nodes and then essentially removing them from the cluster
> is an additional risk that we'd like to avoid.
> I can certainly see how MDC would solve the problem but from a budget
> point of view it's not an option for us at the moment.
> The backup-restore option is always a possibility however our database is
> currently around 80GB compressed and I'd hate to think how long it would
> take to dump and restore that. While we have a maintenance window I suspect
> it won't be long enough. :-(
> We have a solution for now by using the 1.1.1 "reip" command which gets
> our migration and upgrade done. However, looking to the future it would be
> nice if there was a reliable way of moving data from one node to another
> "out of band".
> Shane.
> On 13/11/12 22:54, Matt Black wrote:
>> I still haven't really gotten to the bottom of the best way to do this
>> (short of paying for MDC
>> <http://www.google.com.au/url?**sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=**
>> web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=**0CCIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%**2Fbasho.com%2Fblog%**
>> 2Ftechnical%2F2012%2F08%2F08%**2FMDC-Replication-in-Riak-1p2%**
>> 2F&ei=0c6iUIj-Ga6UiAfKlIGQAg&**usg=**AFQjCNG6dhEFCB1kc98huc5PnoeXdq**8hNw<http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbasho.com%2Fblog%2Ftechnical%2F2012%2F08%2F08%2FMDC-Replication-in-Riak-1p2%2F&ei=0c6iUIj-Ga6UiAfKlIGQAg&usg=AFQjCNG6dhEFCB1kc98huc5PnoeXdq8hNw>
>> >):
>> http://lists.basho.com/**pipermail/riak-users_lists.**
>> basho.com/2012-October/009951.**html<http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2012-October/009951.html>
>> Previously, I've used backup/restore for situations like this, but our
>> backup has now grown to around 100GB - so it has become impractical.
>> Shane, in your maintenance window could you:
>> * create your new cluster
>> * stop any new data being added to the old cluster
>> * run a riak-admin backup
>> * run a riak-admin restore into the new one
>> The maintenance window here saves you a lot of trouble... Unfortunately,
>> most people won't get one ;)
>> Cheers
>> Matt
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