Since I will be importing data from an existing SQL Server this population 
needs to involve some sort of .NET driver. I would rather not take the time to 
learn python and how it interfaces with SQL Server if possible. Any suggestions?


From: riak-users [] On Behalf Of 
Michael Clemmons
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 8:25 AM
To: riak-users
Subject: Populate and Set_Siblings


Hey all,
I've noticed afew questions on the list serve over the past year.  Allot of 
people have asked questions about how/why they should use populate.  Mostly its 
because its exposed in the docs without much explanation. Along with 
set_siblings and some other number of methods in, many methods 
which are likely to be only used internally to the class and not marked with a 
preceding _ which is part of pep 8 here
Sphinx( should handle this properly and 
hide the methods from users who will not need to look that deeply.
Its a quick sed command for me to fix and fork this, is there a specific reason 
why these are not made "private" and if not what other methods do you all think 
should be included in this off the RiakObject itself?

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