On Nov 6, 2012, at 5:43 PM, Kevin Burton <rkevinbur...@charter.net> wrote:

> This is probably an FAQ but I was unable to find an answer so hopefully there 
> will be some patient people.
> The “Quick Start” builds a simple cluster all on the same machine (called 
> dev1, dev2, and dev3). It assigns the ports, IP addresses, etc. I would like 
> to do something similar but I would like the cluster to startup 
> automatically. What do I need to add to the configuration file so that all of 
> the joins etc. happen on startup? This would be a Ubuntu Server if it makes 
> any difference.

There is no configuration option to do this. However, once the nodes have been 
joined to a cluster, they'll
remain part of the same cluster even if they're restarted. Hope this helps.


> Thank you.
> Kevin
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