
I'm using keys generated by Riak  and have come over some random
failure in my test cases. I have naively assumed that the 160bit hash
would always return a base62 encoded value with the length of 27. On
that point I'm obviously wrong as the shell session below shows.

My question is this by design? If so is there a way to enforce certain
size of a key WITHOUT performing generation outside Riak?

Test of riak key size:

72> P = fun(S) -> put(S, case get(S) of undefined -> 1; X -> X+1 end) end.
73> F = fun(X, A) when A =< 1000000 ->
P(length(riak_core_util:unique_id_62())), X(X, A+1); (_, A) -> A end.
74> F(F, 0).
75> erlang:process_info(self(), dictionary).


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