Hi Dimitri,
I don't know why, but I could not receive your reply. I saw it
following the url of the mailing list.
Any way, thank you for your reply.
This is my PHP script:
*require_once "riak_lib/riak.php";*
*if (isset($argv[1]))*
*define('HOST', $argv[1]);*
*define('HOST', '');*
*define('PORT', 8098);*
*$client = new RiakClient(HOST, PORT);*
*$str = HOST . ":" . PORT;*
*if ($client->isAlive())*
*echo "$str - ALIVE\n";*
*echo "$str - DEAD\n";*
*$bucket = $client->bucket('zbucket');*
*$cnt = 0;*
*$last = time();*
*$data = '';*
*for ($i=0; $i<10240; $i++)*
*$data .= 'A';*
*// main loop*
*for ($i=0; true; $i++)*
*$obj = $bucket->newObject(NULL, $data . $i);*
*if (time() - $last == 1)*
*echo "$cnt in $i\n";*
*$cnt = 0;*
*$last = time();*
What does your load testing script look like? If you post the code
somewhere, I'll take a look to see if any obvious stumbling block comes to
mind. I agree, that's way lower than you should be getting with Riak on
that hardware.
On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Uruka Dark <urukad...@gmail.com
<mailto:urukad...@gmail.com>> wrote:
As I told, maybe I'm trying to use Riak in an improperly way, but
this is a kind of requirement for me and I expected to be able to
do it with Riak. I'm looking for a "NoSQL" solution and after try
out a few of them, I think that I have two great solutions,
Couchbase and Riak. To me, Riak seems to be much more mature, and
this is my primary option, but, as I told, I can achieve some
numbers with Couchbase that I can't with Riak. Given the maturity
of Riak, I'm pretty sure that this is a configuration problem, but
I need some help to find out how to solve it. If any one could
help me with it, I'll be thankful. I don't want to give up on Riak
so fast.
Thank you.
On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Uruka Dark <urukad...@gmail.com
<mailto:urukad...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I understand.
To eliminate any problems related to Bitcask, I changed to
Memory backend and now I can store roughly 80 objs/sec. This
speed can be achieved hitting just one of them.
I tried to hit both of them at same time, and the speed drops
to roughly 68 objs/sec (each).
Do you have any suggestion about it?
Thank you.
On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Sebastian Cohnen
<mailto:sebastian.coh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
You should hit both servers and not just with a
concurrency level of 1.
There are many more factors to consider, but these are
highly dependent on your actual problem (not just a simple
benchmark). Just to name a few: bitcask settings
w-quorum, HTTP vs ProtoBuf, ring_creation_size, ...
On 02.11.2012, at 13:15, Uruka Dark <urukad...@gmail.com
<mailto:urukad...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I'm hitting just one of them.
At the beginning I tried to use the default settings
(n_val = 3), then I started to create the bucket with
n_val = 2. I've tested a lot of combinations to w, but I
could not see any substantial improvement.
If you have any suggestion, please, let me know. I can do
any test.
On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Sebastian Cohnen
<mailto:sebastian.coh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
What level of concurrency are you using in your test
setup? Are you hitting both servers with your test?
What is your n_val and w?
On 02.11.2012, at 03:42, Uruka Dark
<urukad...@gmail.com <mailto:urukad...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new here and with Riak. If I do something
wrong, please, let me know.
> I've made a Riak cluster with two identical
machines: Intel core i3 2.3GHz 4GB RAM 1TB HD. They
are connected by a gigabit ethernet network.
Everything is working fine. I'm using a Bitcask backend.
> I've made a PHP script to do a performance test and
find out how fast Riak can be with these settings.
What my script is doing is: to store 10000 objects
with a 10K long data (string of 10240 x 'A'), and
calculating how many objects it stores per second.
> Right now, using Bitcask backend, it can store
roughly 68 objects per second. It seems to be a small
number to me, but I don't know too much about Riak.
I've tested the same script on a Couchbase cluster,
with the same settings, and it could store roughly
1000 objects per second. Obviously, on Couchbase
test, the data is not sent to non-volatile media
immediately. Data is kept in memory to acknowledge
the reception as fast as possible, and is sent to
non-volatile media in background. I want Riak to
behave the same way to increase the "writing speed",
but I don't know how to do it or if it is possible.
May be I'm trying to do something completely out of
the purpose of Riak.
> I've tested Riak with Memory backend too, but it
achieved only 72 objects per second. I expected it to
work faster with Memory backend, cause there is no
disk activity involved on it, but the final result is
not that high.
> Again, I don't know if I'm trying to do something
inappropriate. I think I'm missing something.
> Is there any way to do it?
> If I could not make myself clear, please, let me know.
> Thank you.
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