On 02/11/2012 19:10, Uruka Dark wrote:
Hi Dimitri,
I don't know why, but I could not receive your reply. I saw it following the url of the mailing list.

Any way, thank you for your reply.

This is my PHP script:

*require_once "riak_lib/riak.php";*
*if (isset($argv[1]))*
*define('HOST', $argv[1]);*
*define('HOST', '');*
*define('PORT', 8098);*
*$client = new RiakClient(HOST, PORT);*
*$str = HOST . ":" . PORT;*
*if ($client->isAlive())*
*echo "$str - ALIVE\n";*
*echo "$str - DEAD\n";*
*$bucket = $client->bucket('zbucket');*
*$cnt = 0;*
*$last = time();*
*$data = '';*
*for ($i=0; $i<10240; $i++)*
*$data .= 'A';*
*// main loop*
*for ($i=0; true; $i++)*
*$obj = $bucket->newObject(NULL, $data . $i);*
*if (time() - $last == 1)*
*echo "$cnt in $i\n";*
*$cnt = 0;*
*$last = time();*


What does your load testing script look like? If you post the code
somewhere, I'll take a look to see if any obvious stumbling block comes to
mind. I agree, that's way lower than you should be getting with Riak on
that hardware.


On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Uruka Dark <urukad...@gmail.com <mailto:urukad...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    As I told, maybe I'm trying to use Riak in an improperly way, but
    this is a kind of requirement for me and I expected to be able to
    do it with Riak. I'm looking for a "NoSQL" solution and after try
    out a few of them, I think that I have two great solutions,
    Couchbase and Riak. To me, Riak seems to be much more mature, and
    this is my primary option, but, as I told, I can achieve some
    numbers with Couchbase that I can't with Riak. Given the maturity
    of Riak, I'm pretty sure that this is a configuration problem, but
    I need some help to find out how to solve it. If any one could
    help me with it, I'll be thankful. I don't want to give up on Riak
    so fast.
    Thank you.

    On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Uruka Dark <urukad...@gmail.com
    <mailto:urukad...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        I understand.
        To eliminate any problems related to Bitcask, I changed to
        Memory backend and now I can store roughly 80 objs/sec. This
        speed can be achieved hitting just one of them.
        I tried to hit both of them at same time, and the speed drops
        to roughly 68 objs/sec (each).
        Do you have any suggestion about it?

        Thank you.

        On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Sebastian Cohnen
        <mailto:sebastian.coh...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            You should hit both servers and not just with a
            concurrency level of 1.

            There are many more factors to consider, but these are
            highly dependent on your actual problem (not just a simple
            benchmark). Just to name a few: bitcask settings
            w-quorum, HTTP vs ProtoBuf, ring_creation_size, ...

            On 02.11.2012, at 13:15, Uruka Dark <urukad...@gmail.com
            <mailto:urukad...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            I'm hitting just one of them.
            At the beginning I tried to use the default settings
            (n_val = 3), then I started to create the bucket with
            n_val = 2. I've tested a lot of combinations to w, but I
            could not see any substantial improvement.
            If you have any suggestion, please, let me know. I can do
            any test.

            On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Sebastian Cohnen
            <mailto:sebastian.coh...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                What level of concurrency are you using in your test
                setup? Are you hitting both servers with your test?
                What is your n_val and w?

                On 02.11.2012, at 03:42, Uruka Dark
                <urukad...@gmail.com <mailto:urukad...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                > Hi,
                > I'm new here and with Riak. If I do something
                wrong, please, let me know.
                > I've made a Riak cluster with two identical
                machines: Intel core i3 2.3GHz 4GB RAM 1TB HD. They
                are connected by a gigabit ethernet network.
                Everything is working fine. I'm using a Bitcask backend.
                > I've made a PHP script to do a performance test and
                find out how fast Riak can be with these settings.
                What my script is doing is: to store 10000 objects
                with a 10K long data (string of 10240 x 'A'), and
                calculating how many objects it stores per second.
                > Right now, using Bitcask backend, it can store
                roughly 68 objects per second. It seems to be a small
                number to me, but I don't know too much about Riak.
                I've tested the same script on a Couchbase cluster,
                with the same settings, and it could store roughly
                1000 objects per second. Obviously, on Couchbase
                test, the data is not sent to non-volatile media
                immediately. Data is kept in memory to acknowledge
                the reception as fast as possible, and is sent to
                non-volatile media in background. I want Riak to
                behave the same way to increase the "writing speed",
                but I don't know how to do it or if it is possible.
                May be I'm trying to do something completely out of
                the purpose of Riak.
                > I've tested Riak with Memory backend too, but it
                achieved only 72 objects per second. I expected it to
                work faster with Memory backend, cause there is no
                disk activity involved on it, but the final result is
                not that high.
                > Again, I don't know if I'm trying to do something
                inappropriate. I think I'm missing something.
                > Is there any way to do it?
                > If I could not make myself clear, please, let me know.
                > Thank you.
                > _______________________________________________
                > riak-users mailing list
                > riak-users@lists.basho.com

riak-users mailing list

The PHP client currently only supports the HTTP interface (http://docs.basho.com/riak/1.2.0/references/Client-Libraries/), which is slower than using protocol buffers. I looked through the documentation for the PHP client (have not used it myself) trying to see if keep-alive is enabled by default, but could not find any information about this nor any way to set it on the client. I suppose it therefore might be possible that a new connection is established for every request, which would add a lot of overhead in your case as you seem to be performing all the inserts using a single thread. The numbers you are getting seem to be of the same magnitude as I recall getting when performing a large number of curl inserts through a simple script (not multithreaded) on a machine of similar spec a couple of months ago, which leads me to suspect that keep-alive might very well not be enabled.

You should be able to increase the throughput significantly by splitting the data and running multiple copies of your script in parallel against both nodes at once.

If you can rewrite the test in some other language so that you can take advantage of a protocol buffer client, I would expect you to get significantly better numbers, especially if using multiple processes/threads.

Best regards,


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