Hi Simon,

My intention for this is to create a pre-prod test environment - so having
an exact replica of the data isn't an issue. Previously I have used the
riak-admin backup/restore, but the file has grown to about 70GB, and so
takes around a day to backup, copy and restore into a new cluster.

Multi-data centre replication looks interesting - and probably we'll end up
using that for redundancy reasons. In the short term I'm looking for an
as-quick-as-possible spawn of a new cluster, with as-accurate-as-possible
data in there..

Asking too much?! Don't want to sound ungrateful ;)

On 24 October 2012 01:07, Simon Vans-Colina <simo...@basho.com> wrote:

> Hi David, Matt,
> We've just discussed this and its a bit tricky. For 4 servers with N=3 it
> is possible to stop 2 nodes, (say 3 and 4) and then send a "force-remove"
> command to the remaining servers (1 and 2).
> Then you could start (3 and 4), and send *them* a force-remove of (1 and
> 2).
> This is risky because you're only guaranteed one replica of the data on
> each of the new clusters.
> The other risk is that new data written to (1 and 2) will not be
> replicated over to (3 and 4). Are you planning on re-joining the cluster
> back up afterwards?
> There's better ways than doing "mitotis" (although i love the name). Look
> into Multi Data Center Replication, or just add new nodes and do a
> force-replace. If the data is small enough, you could use the backup commn
> Hope i got this right, i'm quite new to this myself.
> Cheers
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:35 PM, David Lowell <d...@go2ctv.com> wrote:
>> If I have a cluster of say, 4 nodes, is it possible to split that cluster
>> into two clusters of 2 nodes, each with a full complement of the original
>> cluster's data, while the data is continuously being served? Obviously, we
>> would require that the data be small enough to fit on 2 nodes.
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Dave
>> --
>> Dave Lowell
>> d...@connectv.com
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> Simon Vans-Colina - Client Services Engineer - Basho
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