Thanks Sergej. I will try this with Leveldb backend and use another db for
incremental ids.


On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 2:34 PM, Rapsey <> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Shashwat Srivastava 
> <>wrote:
>> Now, each bucket would have conversation between two users or of a room
>> of a site. The conversation rate for (some) rooms is very high, some 20,000
>> - 30,000 messages per hour. We have observed that users usually don't
>> access conversations past one week. So, if a bucket has conversation of 3
>> years, then mostly users would access the recent conversation upto a week
>> or month. Can riak handle this easily? Also, would riak use RAM wisely in
>> this scenario? Would it only keep keys and indexes, corresponding to recent
>> messages per bucket, in RAM?
> Leveldb backend should.
>> Finally, what is the best approach for creating keys in a bucket?
>> Earlier, I was planning to use timestamp (in milliseconds). But in a room
>> there can be multiple messages at the same time. As I understand I cannot
>> have a unique incremental message id per bucket (as riak has write
>> capability in all nodes in a cluster so consistency is not guareented).
>> Please correct me if I am wrong. One other way could be to let riak
>> generate key and I use timestamp as a secondary index. But this seems to be
>> a bad design. Also, what would be the best way to achieve pagination for
>> this use case?
> You could use redis for incremental id's.
> Sergej
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