On 10/10/2012 05:54, sangeetha.pattabiram...@cognizant.com wrote:
Good ' day Christian!
         I have two doubts.Please requesting you to do clear me on the same 
.Thanks in advance .
1. riak -took 7733m32.525s (nearly 5.3 days) for loading 35 million (1.8 sdata 
set)which uses single curl -one node for storage .....
Is there a provision in the below script to make use of two curl's in using 
second node also in the 2-node riak cluster ,wherein its now only one node.
2.we deal with bigdata and I need to load max 500million(35 GB) data since my 
task involves comparision of various loads on different data bases such 
as(hadoop,mongodb,Cassandra db and now riak) finished ensuring 500million on 
hadoop ,mongo,Cassandra..struck of on riak since it takes loads of time in 
loading ...could u please help me on the same in making use of second node also 
in the below script of yours.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Dahlqvist [mailto:christ...@whitenode.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 3:57 PM
To: Pattabi Raman, Sangeetha (Cognizant)
Cc: sh...@mcewan.id.au; riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: riak memstore clarification on enomem error

On 09/10/2012 10:39, sangeetha.pattabiram...@cognizant.com wrote:
Thanks Shane ,

Load script used is as follows (basically a curl)

main([Filename]) ->
      {ok, Data} = file:read_file(Filename),
      Lines = tl(re:split(Data, "\r?\n", [{return, binary},trim])),
      lists:foreach(fun(L) -> LS = re:split(L, ","), format_and_insert(LS) end, 

format_and_insert(Line) ->
      JSON = 
      Command = io_lib:format("curl -X PUT -d '~s' -H 'content-type: 
application/json'", [hd(Line),JSON]),
      io:format("Inserting: ~s~n", [hd(Line)]),

you are right shane .after Loading it I confirm the same by querying the 
(1.8GB)35 million dataset with first ,middle and last row 
value(1,15000000,35000000) with id column.hence confirmed its stored onto 
CustCalls35m bucket of riak db.

-----Original Message-----
From: riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] On Behalf
Of Shane McEwan
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 3:00 PM
To: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: riak memstore clarification on enomem error

G'day Sangeetha.

On 09/10/12 07:40, sangeetha.pattabiram...@cognizant.com wrote:
Dear Team ,

                    I have a 64 GB RAM ,during the Load of 35 million
dataset (1.8 GB) it consumes nearly 40-45 GB of RAM durial the
startup of the erlang script ,but

While trying to load 40 million dataset (2.1 GB) I am getting  the
following error

*escript: exception error: no match of right hand side value
The error message is coming from escript and not Riak. It's just a guess but 
could it be that the script you're using to load your data into Riak is trying 
to load all the data into memory before sending it to Riak?
Can you break your dataset into smaller chunks and load them separately?
Or send the data to Riak as you read it from the dataset without storing it all 
in memory?

*2.**Is there a provision to make use of the swap memory in riak
Using swap in this situation is almost always a bad idea. Your script will end 
up running so slowly you will be waiting for days, maybe months, for your data 
to load.


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riak-users mailing list

That script does indeed load all lines into memory before processing them one 
by one. Try something like this instead:

main([Filename]) ->
      {ok, IoDev} = file:open(Filename, [read, raw, binary, {read_ahead, 

process_file(IoDev) ->
      case file:read_line(IoDev) of
          {ok, Data} ->
              Line = strip_and_split(Data),
              JSON =
              Command = io_lib:format("curl -X PUT -d '~s' -H 'content-type:
application/json'", [hd(Line),JSON]),
              io:format("Inserting: ~s~n", [hd(Line)]),
          eof ->
          {error, Reason} ->
              io:format("Error processing file: ~p~n", [Reason]),

strip_and_split(Line) ->
      [L | _] = re:split(Line, "\n"),
      re:split(L, ",").

Best Regards,

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Using the HTTP interface through curl is a very easy way to load data into Riak, but not very efficient. It should nevertheless be quite easy to make it run in parallel by splitting the input file into multiple files and then run the script for each file. This way you can even split the load across several nodes in the cluster.

If the performance is still not adequate or large volumes of data need to be loaded on a regular basis, I would instead recommend to develop a loading script/solution based on one of the protobuf clients (these are available for a large number of languages, e.g. Java and Ruby). This should give considerably better performance, especially if using multiple connections in parallel.

Best regards,


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