Hi, Joe Caswell
I have a new question.

((ejabberd@meta)19> f(O),O=riakc_obj:new(<<"user1">>, <<"jason3">>,



(ejabberd@meta)20> riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid, O).

(ejabberd@meta)28>  riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, <<"user1">>,
list_to_binary("\"sex\":male1*")).      * The operation is ok.*


(ejabberd@meta)29>  riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, <<"user1">>,

{ok,{search_results,[],0.0,0}}  *%% But there is empty. Why?*
(ejabberd@meta)30>  riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, <<"user1">>,

{ok,{search_results,[],0.0,0}}  *%% There is empty,too. Why?*

Thanks in advance.

2012/9/7 郎咸武 <langxian...@gmail.com>

> Thanks a lot. That is ok
> 2012/9/6 Joe Caswell <jcasw...@basho.com>
>> Try without the extra quotes
>> riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, <<"user2">>, list_to_binary("sex:mal*")).
>> Joe Caswell
>> From: 郎咸武 <langxian...@gmail.com>
>> Date: Friday, August 31, 2012 3:14 AM
>> To: riak-users <riak-users@lists.basho.com>
>> Subject: Re: How to search objects using riak_search method
>> Creating object like this:
>>  f(O),O=riakc_obj:new(<<"user">>, <<"jason">>,
>> list_to_binary("[{\"name\":\"jason\"},{\"sex\":\"male\"}]"),
>> "application/json").
>> 72> riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, <<"user2">>,
>> list_to_binary("\"sex\":\"male\"")).
>> {ok,{search_results,[{<<"user2">>,
>>                       [{<<"id">>,<<"jason">>},
>>                        {<<"name">>,<<"jason">>},
>>                        {<<"sex">>,<<"male">>}]}],
>>                     0.35355299711227417,1}}
>> 73> riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, <<"user2">>,
>> list_to_binary("\"sex\":\"mal*\"")). *%% But this is empty. Why?*
>> {ok,{search_results,[],0.0,0}}
>> 74> riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, <<"user2">>,
>> list_to_binary("\"sex\":\"male\"")).
>> {ok,{search_results,[{<<"user2">>,
>>                       [{<<"id">>,<<"jason">>},
>>                        {<<"name">>,<<"jason">>},
>>                        {<<"sex">>,<<"male">>}]}],
>>                     0.35355299711227417,1}}
>> 2012/8/31 郎咸武 <langxian...@gmail.com>
>>> anyone may reply me,thanks a lot.
>>> 在 2012年8月30日星期四,郎咸武 写道:
>>>> who can give me some idea
>>>> 在 2012年8月30日星期四,郎咸武 写道:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>        I need your help.
>>>> Version:
>>>> 1)riak-erlang-client-1.3
>>>> 2)riak-1.2
>>>> 3)Erlang R14B04 (erts-5.8.5) [source] [64-bit]
>>>> This is my bucket attributs in the following
>>>> (riak@> {ok,C} = riak:local_client().
>>>> {ok,{riak_client,'riak@',undefined}}
>>>> (riak@> C:set_bucket(<<"user">>,[{precommit,
>>>> [{struct,[{<<"mod">>,<<"riak_search_kv_hook">>},{<<"fun">>,<<"precommit">>}]}]}]).
>>>> ok
>>>> (riak@> C:get_bucket(<<"user">>).
>>>> [{search,true},
>>>>  {allow_mult,false},
>>>>  {basic_quorum,false},
>>>>  {big_vclock,50},
>>>>  {chash_keyfun,{riak_core_util,chash_std_keyfun}},
>>>>  {dw,quorum},
>>>>  {last_write_wins,false},
>>>>  {linkfun,{modfun,riak_kv_wm_link_walker,mapreduce_linkfun}},
>>>>  {n_val,3},
>>>>  {name,<<"user">>},
>>>>  {notfound_ok,true},
>>>>  {old_vclock,86400},
>>>>  {postcommit,[]},
>>>>  {pr,0},
>>>> * {precommit,[{struct,[{<<"mod">>,<<"riak_search_kv_hook">>},*
>>>> *                      {<<"fun">>,<<"precommit">>}]}]},*
>>>>  {pw,0},
>>>>  {r,quorum},
>>>>  {rw,quorum},
>>>>  {small_vclock,50},
>>>>  {w,quorum},
>>>>  {young_vclock,20}]
>>>> *------------------*
>>>> *In the client*
>>>> *To new a object  and search it*
>>>> 147> f(O),O=riakc_obj:new(<<"user">>, <<"jason">>, <<"jasonlang">>)
>>>> 147> .
>>>> {riakc_obj,<<"user">>,<<"jason">>,undefined,[],undefined,
>>>>            <<"jasonlang">>}
>>>> 150> riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid,O).
>>>> ok
>>>> 151> riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, <<"user">>, "jason*")
>>>> 151> .
>>>> {ok,{search_results,[{<<"user">>,
>>>> [{<<"id">>,<<"jason">>},{<<"value">>,<<"jasonlang">>}]}],
>>>>                     0.0,1}}
>>>> 152>
>>>> *This search operator  is ok*
>>>> *TO new another object and search it*
>>>> 152> f(O),O=riakc_obj:new(<<"user">>, <<"lang">>, <<"langzhe">>)
>>>> 152> .
>>>> {riakc_obj,<<"user">>,<<"lang">>,undefined,[],undefined,
>>>>            <<"langzhe">>}
>>>> 153> riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid,O).
>>>> ok
>>>> 154> riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, <<"user">>, "langzh*")
>>>> 154> .
>>>> {ok,{search_results,[{<<"user">>,
>>>> [{<<"id">>,<<"lang">>},{<<"value">>,<<"langzhe">>}]}],
>>>>                     0.0,1}}
>>>> *This is ok too*
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *Search the objects:*
>>>> 157> riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, <<"user">>, "langzh*\"\"jason*")
>>>> 157> .
>>>> {ok,{search_results,[{<<"user">>,
>>>> [{<<"id">>,<<"jason">>},{<<"value">>,<<"jasonlang">>}]},
>>>>                      {<<"user">>,
>>>> [{<<"id">>,<<"lang">>},{<<"value">>,<<"langzhe">>}]}],
>>>>                     0.0,2}}
>>>> 158>
>>>> This is ok too.
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> *In the above is ok.*
>>>> --
>>>> 只为成功找方法,不为失败找理由
>>> --
>>> 只为成功找方法,不为失败找理由
>> --
>> 只为成功找方法,不为失败找理由
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> --
> 只为成功找方法,不为失败找理由

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