Hi Mridul,
       You can use filterNotFound from mapred_builtins.js...
       usage format in reduce phase:
       return  Riak.filterNotFound(your_object_passed _from_map_phase);


On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Mridul Kashatria <mri...@readwhere.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a beginner with Riak and map-reduce in general.
> I was trying a function in map reduce which sorts the data and returns it.
> It works well when all the bucket key pairs in input query exist in the
> riak cluster. When a bucket/key pair does not exist, it gives an output
> like below.

> [{"not_found":{"bucket":"newspaper-issue","key":"56276","keydata":"undefined"}}]
> I'm not able to remove this output from the map phase, even when I just
> return [] in the map phase, it returns this single object.
> My question is how can I avoid this output as it is likely that in the
> inputs there is some bucket/key missing.
> --
> Mridul
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