
I'm having hard time to verify this behavior on the Riak wiki with my
Riak 1.2 test environment. Can anybody help me to figure out what is


> Reading When One Primary Fails
> ------------------------------
> 1. Data is written to a key with W=3
> 2. One node goes down, it happens to be a primary for that key
> 3. Data is read from that key with R=3
> 4. Riak returns not_found on first request
> 5. Read repair ensures data is replicated to a secondary node.
>    Read repair will always occur, regardless of the R value.
>    Even with an R of 2, read repair will kick in and ensure that
>    all nodes responsible for this particular data are consistent.
> 6. Subsequent reads return correct value with R=3, two values
>    coming from primary and one from secondary nodes

At the first read (step 4), Riak should return not_found, but it
actually retuns the correct value. I wonder when read repair will kick
in in Riak 1.2. (even before the first read?)

I followed the screencast "Tuning CAP Controls in Riak" on this page.

I used riak_core_ring:preflist/2 to ensure that I had took down one of
the correct primary nodes for the key.


Tatsuya Kawano (Mr.)
Tokyo, Japan

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