On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 08:33:24PM +0200, Nico Meyer wrote:
> Great, this explains why bitcask went merging crazy after we updated
> from 0.14 to 1.1! The workaround was to constrain merging to the
> nighttime, and since it kind of worked(TM) since then, I never came
> round to look for the reason for the increased I/O load after the
> update.

Yeah, this is how we noticed as well, moving from 0.14.2 to 1.1.4
caused IO to go crazy.  It was partially fixed with 1.2, but not
completely, and we ended up with the grace time fix.

> I just checked, and this behaviour was introduced in 1.0.3, but
> nothing was mentioned in the release notes :-(. In older versions,
> key expiration really had no impact on triggering merges. This might
> cause problems on its own. If say all you ever do is adding new
> keys, merging is never triggered, which is bad if you are recording
> time series for examples.
> I assume, that this is the reason Basho changed the merge triggering
> logic. No disrespect, but the current solution (including the
> proposed fix) is just wrong. At least if there is a continous,
> evenly spaced (in time) stream of expiring keys, as should be the
> case in most scenarios where one would use key expiration, it
> amounts to triggering a merge each time, just like setting
> frag_merge_trigger to zero.
> The proposed fix will not improve anything, if we are talking about
> the expiry_grace_time option
> (https://github.com/basho/bitcask/blob/master/src/bitcask.erl#L569).
> It just shift time, which is all the same, if you have an infinite
> stream of expiring keys.
> At the very least, a freshly merged bitcask file should be exempt
> from being merged for a certain time, to limit the rate of merging
> the same keys.

Hmm, well we haven't actually tried the fix yet (many other things
are competing for time).  I did mention on our support ticket that
I didn't think it was a great solution, as I still suspected it
would have a stampeding herd sort of mode.  But if things are as
you suspect it won't make a difference, and we'll still see the
issue, :(

> I believe the real solution has to involve some form of counting the
> number of expired keys for each file, and then adding those count to
> the number of deleted/outdated keys.
> If scanning the key dir in memory periodically is to expensive, it
> is easy enough to do it approximately by storing a histogram of
> timestamps for each file. At least if the expiration time is large
> compared to the time between file rotations, this should  be fairly
> accurate, and the accuracy vs. CPU/mem can be easily tuned by
> changing the size of the histogram. But talk is cheap. I will have
> to look into this anyway, now that I know about it, so hopefully a
> patch might fall out at the end.

I'm not sure why the old behavior of only having expire matter when
you merge would be an issue.  I would think that having keys expire
from the in memory index would cause those entries in the files to
be marked as dead (as they are not indexed), then your merge trigger
is on dead byte percentage.  But maybe that's not the way indexing
works.  I unfortunately haven't and don't have the time right now to
dig in and have been leaving it up to basho support, but maybe you'll
end up with a better solution (and thus a better patch).

Good Luck,


Anthony Molinaro                           <antho...@alumni.caltech.edu>

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