On 24 Sep 2012, at 13:38, Ingo Rockel wrote:

> Hi,
> I finally found the reason for this message: Although the bucket was 
> initialized with r=1, the java client silently appended a "r=2" to all 
> fetches which caused this message.

I've found the code that does this. It is deep in the legacy client code, but 
it is a bug. Very sorry about this and thanks for finding the issue.


> The combination of two things really cost me a lot of time to find the reason 
> for this:
> * the error message from riak complains about wrong write parameters but in 
> fact the read parameter was wrong.

This is also a bug, in Riak, in the riak_kv_wm_object module, and I've opened 
an issue for this, too.

> * the java client library silently attaches a "r=2" to all read queries and I 
> didn't find anything in the documentation about this. Is this intended or a 
> bug?

It looks like it is was _intended_ by the initial author, but it is a bad idea, 
and therefore a bug.

Again, thanks for finding those, and sorry for the time/effort lost.

I opened the following two issues




> Setting the used apache http client into trace really helped a lot, maybe you 
> should add something about this into the java client documentation.
> Ingo
> Am 19.09.2012 16:10, schrieb Ingo Rockel:
>> Hi Russell,
>> I'm using riak 1.2 and the client version is version 1.0.5 and
>> concerning HTTP and PB, I tried both.
>> Ingo
>> Am 19.09.2012 16:04, schrieb Russell Brown:
>>> On 19 Sep 2012, at 14:54, Ingo Rockel wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>> thanks for looking into this.
>>>> I'm using the riak-java-client for accessing riak,
>>> Are you using HTTP or PB, please? And can you let me know the version,
>>> too?
>>> Thanks
>>> Russell
>>>> the bucket is created with the following code:
>>>> msgBucket = riakClient.createBucket(MSG_BUCKET_ID).
>>>>                    nVal(1).w(1).dw(1).pw(1).
>>>>                    execute();
>>>> and the write operation is:
>>>>            msgBucket.store("Mailbox|" + messageDto.getReceptor(),
>>>> createMailbox(messageDto)).execute();
>>>> without doing any modification of w/dw/pw for the single write.
>>>> Ingo
>>>> Am 19.09.2012 07:56, schrieb Mark Phillips:
>>>>> Hi Ingo
>>>>> I just built a single node Riak 1.2 from source on my laptop, cranked
>>>>> the n, w, dw, and pw values down to "1", and was able to write
>>>>> successfully via curl. For the sake of completeness, I attempted to
>>>>> write with "w=2" and was able to throw the "Specified w/dw/pw values
>>>>> invalid for bucket n value of 1" error that you reported.
>>>>> Any chance you have some app code that's changing the W value? Can you
>>>>> share the specifics of the request that's failing?
>>>>> Mark
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Ingo Rockel
>>>>> <ingo.roc...@bluelionmobile.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>>> yes, I'm running 1.2.
>>>>>> Ingo
>>>>>> Am 18.09.2012 02:11, schrieb Mark Phillips:
>>>>>>> Hi Ingo,
>>>>>>> Sorry for the holdup here.
>>>>>>> Riak shouldn't be throwing this error if all your R and W values are
>>>>>>> set to "1". Are you running Riak 1.2?
>>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 3:10 AM, Ingo Rockel
>>>>>>> <ingo.roc...@bluelionmobile.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Anyone?
>>>>>>>> Am 30.08.2012 18:34, schrieb Ingo Rockel:
>>>>>>>>> Hi List,
>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to set the n-val to 1 for my single-node test server
>>>>>>>>> but do
>>>>>>>>> always fail with the following error:
>>>>>>>>> Specified w/dw/pw values invalid for bucket n value of 1
>>>>>>>>> This is my bucket configuration:
>>>>>>>>> {"props":{"allow_mult":false,"basic_quorum":false,"big_vclock":50,"chash_keyfun":{"mod":"riak_core_util","fun":"chash_std_keyfun"},"dw":1,"last_write_wins":false,"linkfun":{"mod":"riak_kv_wm_link_walker","fun":"mapreduce_linkfun"},"n_val":1,"name":"messages","notfound_ok":true,"old_vclock":86400,"postcommit":[],"pr":1,"precommit":[],"pw":1,"r":1,"rw":1,"small_vclock":50,"w":1,"young_vclock":20}}
>>>>>>>>> I can't see what's wrong with it, maybe someone can shed a light.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>       Ingo
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>>>>>> Software Architect
>>>>>> Blue Lion mobile GmbH
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>>>>>> ingo.roc...@bluelionmobile.com
>>>>>>>>> qeep: Hefferwolf
>>>>>> www.bluelionmobile.com
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>>>> --
>>>> Software Architect
>>>> Blue Lion mobile GmbH
>>>> Tel. +49 (0) 221 788 797 14
>>>> Fax. +49 (0) 221 788 797 19
>>>> Mob. +49 (0) 176 24 87 30 89
>>>> ingo.roc...@bluelionmobile.com
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>>>> www.bluelionmobile.com
>>>> www.qeep.net
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> -- 
> Software Architect
> Blue Lion mobile GmbH
> Tel. +49 (0) 221 788 797 14
> Fax. +49 (0) 221 788 797 19
> Mob. +49 (0) 176 24 87 30 89
> ingo.roc...@bluelionmobile.com
> >>> qeep: Hefferwolf
> www.bluelionmobile.com
> www.qeep.net
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