ThoughtLeadr uses Bip's approach. Its essential lazy schema migration.

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Reid Draper <> wrote:

> I have also used Bip's method and found it successful. You do need to be
> careful to make sure
> all reads of your data go through this upgrade-path, but that is easy once
> you realize it :).
> Reid
> On Sep 19, 2012, at 5:44 PM, Bip Thelin <> wrote:
> We use a technique that works well for our use case:
> We store everything as JSON and use the erlang-client, for every object we
> store we add an opaque schema_version tag to the JSON and then in our model
> encode/decode routine we parse this schema_version and if the version is
> not the latest according to the model we recurse and upgrade the payload
> all the way up to the current version and then return the new object to the
> client and spawn an async process that saves the new object back.
> So for instance an object is at schema_version 1 when it get's read. The
> model is now on version 5 there will be five functions, i.e:
> upgrade_version(2, Payload) ->
>     do_something();
> upgrade_version(3, Payload) ->
>     etc...
> every function knows how to upgrade itself from it's former version so
> fast forwarding through version is easy and every object will get upgraded
> eventually (if the get read).
> --
> Bip Thelin
> KIVRA | Lugnets Allé 1 | 120 33 Stockholm
> Tel 08-533 335 37 | Mob 0735-18 18 90
> On 19 sep 2012, at 00:55, Allen Johnson <> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I'm beginning to experiment with Riak and I'm trying to better
> understand how to model my data.  One question I have at the moment is
> how to evolve my data with a data store such as Riak?  I know that
> it's schema-less and that I can add new fields as needed but I'm
> thinking more about the existing documents.
> For example, say hypothetically, that I have a fairly successful
> riak-based app.  As the application code continues to evolve over
> several versions I begin to find a "better" way to model my data.  By
> this time I have already stored many, many documents.  What is the
> appropriate path here?  Do I version my documents with metadata and
> rely on my application code to continue to deal with old-style
> documents -- or do I perform some sort of bulk transformation on these
> existing documents?
> Thanks,
> Allen
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Todd Cullen | Founder & CEO of ThoughtLeadr
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e. p. 415-254-0787
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