More info, in case it helps someone help me figure out what has gone wrong.
I suspect I have something misconfigured, or not configured, that is
affecting the mapreduce js vms.

I followed the instructions on this thread:

In that thread, the guys problem turned out to be a missing
mapred_builtins.js file. I found mine /usr/lib/riak/lib/riak_kv-1.2.0/priv
so I don't think my problem is the same.

About using the riak console to find out how many map reduce vms are

(riak@> rpc:multicall(supervisor, count_children,
(riak@> rpc:multicall(supervisor, count_children,

May be worth noting that those commands product the same weird output
whether my app.config settings are:
            {map_js_vm_count, 32 },
            {reduce_js_vm_count, 32 },
            {hook_js_vm_count, 16 },

Or the outlandishly high:
            {map_js_vm_count, 4096 },
            {reduce_js_vm_count, 4096 },
            {hook_js_vm_count, 256 },

and look nothing like the Mathew Tobvin's output:

Also, the output of those commands is the same after running a mapreduce
job. Once in a while, usually after a fresh riak restart and a bit of time
has passed since the last preflist_exhausted error, one of my mapreduce
jobs will actually complete successfully. At a mere 10000 keys in one
bucket and exactly 1 user, I do not understand at all what is wrong in my
installation. Does anyone have any suggestions?


On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 9:27 AM, Darrel Grant <> wrote:

> I have about 10000 items in a bucket, and am getting this error a lot.
> My app.config settings are already quite a lot higher than any values I've
> come across while googling this issue:
>             {map_js_vm_count, 4096 },
>             {reduce_js_vm_count, 4096 },
>             {hook_js_vm_count, 256 },
>             {js_max_vm_mem, 256},
> And just steadily increasing them doesn't seem good, because this bucket
> could easily have millions of keys in it in a bit of time.
> Interestingly, if I stop and start riak, I can get the results I expect
> from the mapreduce, but if I then run it again, I get the
> preflist_exhausted error. Is there some setting I am missing, which frees
> up workers after a run, or perhaps causes them to be re-used in some way?
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