That's odd.  It should still be firing.

Are you seeing any increase in the postcommit_fail stats?  It may spew a
lot of logging at you, but you could enable debug logging to see if it is
being fired or not.

lager:set_loglevel(lager_file_backend, "console.log", debug).

To reset back to info

lager:set_loglevel(lager_file_backend, "console.log", info).

Please let us know what you find.


On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 12:52 PM, David Goehrig <
> wrote:

> Many moons ago (circa 0.14.0) when you did a curl -X DELETE to a riak
> bucket with a post commit hook it would be invoked and you could use the
> X-Riak-Deleted tag to process the file.  I have just such a post commit
> hook running on on a 0.14.0 build.
> We recently looked at upgrading to 1.2, but discovered that our post
> commit hooks were no longer being fired at all on DELETE, only POST and
> PUT.  Looking through the offending bits of the code, it looks like the
> entire hook invocation subsystem was rewritten since 0.14.0, but the
> documentation wiki:
> Still states that:
> As with pre-commit hooks, deletes are considered writes so post-commit
> hook functions will need to inspect object metadata for the presence of *
> X-Riak-Deleted* to determine when a delete has occurred.
> Any idea why this would no longer be true?
> Dave
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