Happy to help!

Sean Cribbs

On Sep 16, 2012, at 3:14 PM, Brad Heller <b...@cloudability.com> wrote:

> Hey Sean,
> Just wanted to say thanks for all this info, sorry it's a bit late. I was 
> able to get this up and running and it's been significantly more performant 
> and reliable than our previous solution!
> Cheers,
> Brad
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 10:08 AM, Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com> wrote:
>> Brad,
>> :root should be where you want the test node generated to. In a Rails
>> project this is typically tmp/riak_test_server.
>> :source should point to the directory where the 'riak' control script
>> lives in your local install. On Linux this is usually /usr/sbin, on
>> Mac/Homebrew it might be /usr/local/bin.
>> Using the same binaries but a different configuration is *exactly*
>> what the Riak::TestServer does (these go for Riak::Node as well, which
>> generates non-test nodes). #create will create a new directory on the
>> filesystem (pointed to by :root) which contains bin/ etc/ data/ log/
>> ring/ and possibly some other directories. It will write your
>> specified configuration to etc/app.config and etc/vm.args, using
>> defaults that include memory-only backends for KV and Search and point
>> the appropriate directories to the new root. It will also modify the
>> riak & riak-admin scripts to point to the new root and write them to
>> bin/. All of this happens without copying the Riak code or Erlang
>> runtime into the new location.
>> The other interesting and useful feature, aside from isolating the new
>> Riak node to the generated directory, is the Console and the
>> memory-backends that were specifically written for usage in
>> test-suites. Riak::TestServer#drop will open a console (just like
>> "riak attach") and run a command in the Riak node that makes it drop
>> all data in RAM, which gives you a clean slate for each test/example.
>> There is one bug in the generation process currently, which is that
>> you must have started the normal installation at least once. I hope to
>> resolve this bug in the future.
>> On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 6:42 PM, Brad Heller <b...@cloudability.com> wrote:
>>> Hey Sean,
>>> Thanks for the suggestion. I've spent a few hours trying to get this up and
>>> running and I'm having a bit of a hard time. Is there any documentation
>>> around Riak::TestServer?
>>> What are the configuration values for :source and :root supposed to be
>>> exactly? As I understand it, :root should be something like
>>> /path/to/riak/bin and source should be something like /path/to/riak. Is that
>>> correct? Also, how does Riak:: TestServer#create behave exactly?
>>> In our dev environments we have a Riak configuration that includes config
>>> files and binaries that our dev's can just git clone so they can get started
>>> quickly. It is very similar to what the following docs outline only with
>>> three nodes instead of one:
>>> https://wiki.basho.com/Building-a-Development-Environment.html
>>> What I'd really like to set up is a way for Riak::TestServer to use the same
>>> binaries as our dev riak config, but a different configuration (app.config,
>>> vm.args, etc.). Is this possible? Alternatively, we could stick a copy of
>>> the Riak binaries directly in the repo that is using Ripple to make it a bit
>>> more standalone.
>>> What is the configuration you were anticipating when you wrote the
>>> Riak::TestServer class?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brad Heller
>>> On Sep 7, 2012, at 5:02 AM, Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com> wrote:
>>> If it's only for your test suite, use a local memory-only node via the
>>> Ripple::TestServer. If you configure it correctly (there's a bundled
>>> Rails generator that helps), it will delete all the contents of Riak
>>> in one fell-swoop after or before each test/example.
>>> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 2:49 AM, Brad Heller <b...@cloudability.com> wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> So we're rolling out Riak more and more and so far, so good. In fact we're
>>> starting to accumulate a pretty sizable test suite of our data access layer.
>>> To support this we've written some code that helps clean out buckets between
>>> test runs. We're using Ruby (ripple + ruby-risk-client, obviously) so we
>>> just monkey patch the bucket object and detect if it was used or not.
>>> If it was used during a test, we iterate over all the keys and delete each
>>> one. We're cognizant of the risks in doing this for large clusters, but in
>>> our test enviro the number of documents per test is pretty small and the
>>> operations themselves are quite fast.
>>> The problem we're having, though, is that when we run the full suite (or a
>>> large subset of the suite) all at once the churn in Riak seems to be so
>>> quick that sometimes Riak isn't quite in the state that we expect it to be
>>> in when the test runs! For instance, we have a test that checks that the
>>> right number of linked documents are created when a given object is saved.
>>> If we run the test by itself everything works fine--the expectation that 10
>>> documents are created indeed checks out. If we run this test as part of a
>>> large suite of tests, the expectation fails and sometimes 11 documents or 12
>>> documents appear (we check by counting the keys in the linked bucket).
>>> I would think that this has something to do with Riak's eventually
>>> consistent delete operation, but wanted to tap in to the brain trust: Is
>>> there any tuning we can do in test to prevent this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brad Heller | Engineering Lead | Cloudability.com | 541-231-1514 | Skype:
>>> brad.heller | @bradhe | @cloudability
>>> We're hiring! http://cloudability.com/jobs
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>>> riak-users mailing list
>>> riak-users@lists.basho.com
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>>> --
>>> Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com>
>>> Software Engineer
>>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>>> http://basho.com/
>> -- 
>> Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com>
>> Software Engineer
>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>> http://basho.com/

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