
What is the content of the erlang.log files? Certain errors can occur
before lager is running and the erlang log files are where to find them.
 You could also run ./riak console.


On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Chris Hicks

>  Hello everyone,
> I was following the Riak Fast Track and setting up a dev environment and
> ran into a problem I am having trouble solving so far. When I try to run 
> *./riak
> start *I'm getting a generic error saying there was an "Error" reading
> the app.config file. I've navigated there via an Erlang shell and in using
> file:consult/1 I was able to read the terms in just fine. I've been looking
> but haven't found a solution for my particular problem as the similar
> questions surrounding the app.config file had additional error messages
> which indicated the problems. I'm running 64bit version of Ubuntu 12.04
> LTS, Riak 1.2, and Erlang R15B01. Has anyone had/solved a similar issue?
> Chris.
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