
The plan was to use autoscaling for replacing a node that had failed for some 
reason, not for scaling it up and down based on load. If a node fails I would 
like it replaced as soon as possible and without manual intervention. 

But perhaps you are right in that I should do this manually until I am more 
familiar with Riak. 

/ Jonas

On 13 sep 2012, at 19:50, Reid Draper <reiddra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Jonas,
> I'd be weary of 'autoscaling' a cluster. While it seems nice in theory, 
> rebalancing
> data when a node is added or removed from the cluster can be expensive.
> I'd recommend having a human involved, at least until you have a bit more
> experience administering a cluster.
> To answer your question, yes, you'll have to write the code yourself to remove
> the node.
> Reid
> On Sep 13, 2012, at 1:30 PM, Jonas Tehler <jo...@tehler.se> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm setting up a Riak cluster on some EC2 servers running Ubuntu. The goal 
>> is to use autoscaling to make sure that I always have the right number of 
>> nodes online. 
>> When I kill one node (shut down the server, it's gone permanently) and then 
>> start a new server to replace it (with a new name) the new server can't join 
>> the cluster because it can't communicate with the dead node.  It works if I 
>> manually mark the dead node as down and remove it form the cluster but I 
>> would like that to happen automatically (perhaps after a timeout). 
>> Do I have to write my own code that detects this situation and removes the 
>> dead node from the cluster or is there a way to configure Riak to do this 
>> for me?
>> / Jonas
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