
Just an idea, you could have a batch number incrementing once a minute (Integers won't run out of range for at least 20 years) and have your marking be an index name "delete_batch_number", and have a scheduled job to delete once a minute or something where it will just delete the keys with such index, you need of course a JSON object to store the status of your scheduled job (where you were left at on your last delete), it could fail safe if something goes wrong and in the worst scenario it will try to delete twice the same keys.



On 11/09/12 11:08, Vladimir Shapovalov wrote:
HI all,

Is deleting a key more expensive operation then just marking it as deleted?

I noticed that delete a bunch of keys is quite expensive. All CPUs are fully utilized.

I can imagine that I can mark the key first and delete them some time later, e.q. not in rush hours. What is actually the best way from your point of view to delete a key/keys?

Thanks in advance!

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