Hey Antoine,

Sorry for the delay here. Just for the sake of completeness, can you
provide the MapReduce job that's not running?


On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 6:36 AM, Antoine <tonioc...@laposte.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a complete newbie in the riak world, and I'd like to understand a basic
> thing.
> I'm testing and trying to query riak with a basic map, which is *very*
> similar to the basho fast-track first example
> (http://wiki.basho.com/attachments/simple-map.json)
> The thing is that I can't seem to manage to make this work with riak-defined
> keys.
> Here's a gist to illustrate my problem : https://gist.github.com/3636321
> 1 - I POST data with cURL (the content of the two lines are identical except
> for the keys)
> 2- I try to MapReduce (currently without any filters)
> 3- the Output I get, the first one's got an error that I cannot (yet)
> understand  :)
> Could anyone help me to make my first steps in MapReducing ? :-)
> Thanks!
> Antoine
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