Hi Dave,

I don't see documentation up on basho.github.com for client 1.3.0, and
I don't see some of those include files referenced from riak_pb (ex
riak_search_pb.hrl) in your repo, so I'll assume those are meant to be
internal. But how am I supposed to know how to migrate to the new
parameters? I was using mapreduce in the prior version to return
portions of the stored objects rather than the bucket/key. I was using
this anonymous js function:

function(v, keyData, arg) {
    var o = JSON.parse(v.values[0].data);
    var p = {id:o.id, account_id:o.account_id,
account_type_id:o.account_type_id, deleted:o.deleted, status:o.status,
hidden:o.hidden, currency:o.currency};
    return [JSON.stringify(p)]

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 6:22 AM, Dave Parfitt <diparf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Julian -
>   A new version of the riak-erlang-client [1] was recently released that 
> changes riakc_pb_socket:search/* to use protobuffs instead of map/reduce. 
> Give that a shot first and let us know if it works for you.
> Cheers -
> Dave
> [1] https://github.com/basho/riak-erlang-client/
> On Aug 16, 2012, at 6:51 PM, Julian wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently, we upgraded our Riak cluster to 1.2. I hear that one of our buckets 
> has been wiped and reloaded, but our index (Riak search is enabled) may not 
> be in a consistent state. This has led to an error in code using 
> riak-erlang-client 1.2, shown below.
> One of the intriguing things I find is that the exception is listed as 
> occuring in one of my own processes that is doing json decoding, however I 
> have checked the json by saving it to a file and it does not contain the data 
> shown inside the 'struct' in the exception. The only explanation I can come 
> up with is that the badmatch is occurring within riakc_pb socket and was 
> triggered by my call to riakc_pb_socket:search/6, and the process link is 
> somehow influencing the crash report.
> 1. Is there a newer version of riak-erlang-client that might fix the issue? I 
> noticed that though labeled v1.2, it came out in April; has there been a 
> client code update for EE 1.2?
> 2. Would it help make my code more robust if I tried to filter out these 
> not_found's so it wouldn't reach the client? As in 
> http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2012-January/007075.html
> (module names edited slightly)
> =CRASH REPORT==== 16-Aug-2012::21:44:52 ===
>   crasher:
>     initial call: xx_acl_query:init/1
>     pid: <0.159.0>
>     registered_name: []
>     exception exit: {{badmatch,
>                          {not_found,
>                              {<<"a65796222ea26bb7b355bf140dbd5b72e81efee1">>,
>                               <<"000018e5-accf-fff1-8123-1efee1">>},
>                              {struct,
>                                  [{p,[0]},
>                                   {<<"account_id">>,[<<"0000005427">>]},
>                                   {<<"account_type_id">>,[<<"3">>]},
>                                   {<<"id">>,[<<"6373">>]},
>                                   {<<"status">>,[<<"Deleted">>]},
>                                   {<<"type">>,[<<"account">>]},
>                                   {score,[1.0]}]}}},
>                      [{mochijson2,tokenize,2},
>                       {mochijson2,decode1,2},
>                       {mochijson2,json_decode,2},
>                       {lists,map,2},
>                       {lists,map,2},
>                       {xx_acl_tree,from_json,2},
>                       {xx_acl_query,load_instance_,2},
>                       {xx_acl_query,bootstrap_accounts,1}]}
>       in function  gen_server:init_it/6
>     ancestors: [xx_cache_sup,xx_acl_sup,<0.108.0>]
>     messages: []
>     links: [<0.132.0>]
>     dictionary: [<omitted>]
>     trap_exit: true
>     status: running
>     heap_size: 832040
>     stack_size: 24
>     reductions: 30690459
>   neighbours:
> Cheers,
> Julian Pellico
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