Speaking of joining clusters . . .

I'm in the middle of writing a CFEngine promise to automatically install Riak, configure it and join a cluster.

Is it best to have all nodes issue a 'riak-admin cluster join' command before a single node issues the final 'riak-admin cluster commit' command? (Potentially hard to do with CFEngine) Or is it OK to have each node issue its own 'join' and 'commit' commands? (Reasonably easy)

Or is it a bad idea to build the cluster automatically and I should really be doing it manually?

Secondly, is there a riak-admin command or status value that definitively says "This node is part of a cluster" (even if all other nodes in the cluster are down) so that CFEngine knows not to re-issue the cluster join command a second time?


On 21/08/12 14:36, Ryan Zezeski wrote:

Cluster operations (invoked by `riak-admin cluster`) are now
multi-phase.  Instead of calling an operation and it taking effect
immediately you need to stage your changes, view your changes, and then
commit them.  E.g.

riak-admin cluster join blah

riak-admin cluster plan

riak-admin cluster commit

There is an `-f` option to keep the old behavior but we recommend
against this.  Staged clustering was put in place to keep users from
hurting their clusters and to make multiple changes more efficient.


On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 9:28 AM, Daniel Iwan <iwan.dan...@gmail.com
<mailto:iwan.dan...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    In my setup everything worked fine until I upgraded to riak 1.2
    (although this may be a coincidence)
    Nodes are installed from scratch with changes only to db backend (I'm
    using eLevelDB)
    and names.
    For some reason node cannot join to another.
    What am I doing wrong?

    I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 but I've seen the same behaviour on Ubuntu 12.04
    I may miss openssl dependency. I don't know if that matters

    user@node2:~$ riak-admin cluster join riak@
    Attempting to restart script through sudo -H -u riak
    Success: staged join request for 'riak@
    <mailto:riak@>' to 'riak@

    user@node1:~$ riak-admin member-status
    Attempting to restart script through sudo -H -u riak
    ================================= Membership
    Status     Ring    Pending    Node
    joining     0.0%      --      'riak@
    valid     100.0%      --      'riak@

    Valid:1 / Leaving:0 / Exiting:0 / Joining:1 / Down:0
    user@node1:~$ riak-admin transfers

    Attempting to restart script through sudo -H -u riak
    No transfers active

    Active Transfers:


    riak-admin status
    Attempting to restart script through sudo -H -u riak
    1-minute stats for 'riak@ <mailto:riak@>'
    vnode_gets : 0
    vnode_gets_total : 0
    vnode_puts : 0
    vnode_puts_total : 0
    vnode_index_reads : 0
    vnode_index_reads_total : 0
    vnode_index_writes : 0
    vnode_index_writes_total : 0
    vnode_index_writes_postings : 0
    vnode_index_writes_postings_total : 0
    vnode_index_deletes : 0
    vnode_index_deletes_total : 0
    vnode_index_deletes_postings : 0
    vnode_index_deletes_postings_total : 0
    node_gets : 0
    node_gets_total : 0
    node_get_fsm_siblings_mean : 0
    node_get_fsm_siblings_median : 0
    node_get_fsm_siblings_95 : 0
    node_get_fsm_siblings_99 : 0
    node_get_fsm_siblings_100 : 0
    node_get_fsm_objsize_mean : 0
    node_get_fsm_objsize_median : 0
    node_get_fsm_objsize_95 : 0
    node_get_fsm_objsize_99 : 0
    node_get_fsm_objsize_100 : 0
    node_get_fsm_time_mean : 0
    node_get_fsm_time_median : 0
    node_get_fsm_time_95 : 0
    node_get_fsm_time_99 : 0
    node_get_fsm_time_100 : 0
    node_puts : 0
    node_puts_total : 0
    node_put_fsm_time_mean : 0
    node_put_fsm_time_median : 0
    node_put_fsm_time_95 : 0
    node_put_fsm_time_99 : 0
    node_put_fsm_time_100 : 0
    read_repairs : 0
    read_repairs_total : 0
    coord_redirs_total : 0
    executing_mappers : 0
    precommit_fail : 0
    postcommit_fail : 0
    pbc_active : 0
    pbc_connects : 0
    pbc_connects_total : 0
    cpu_nprocs : 340
    cpu_avg1 : 182
    cpu_avg5 : 136
    cpu_avg15 : 92
    mem_total : 4154609664
    mem_allocated : 1475477504
    disk : [{"/",54417668,2},
    nodename : 'riak@ <mailto:riak@>'
    connected_nodes : ['riak@ <mailto:riak@>']
    sys_driver_version : <<"2.0">>
    sys_global_heaps_size : 0
    sys_heap_type : private
    sys_logical_processors : 4
    sys_otp_release : <<"R15B01">>
    sys_process_count : 1392
    sys_smp_support : true
    sys_system_version : <<"Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64-bit]
    [smp:4:4] [async-threads:64] [kernel-poll:true]">>
    sys_system_architecture : <<"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu">>
    sys_threads_enabled : true
    sys_thread_pool_size : 64
    sys_wordsize : 8
    ring_members : ['riak@
    ring_num_partitions : 64
    ring_ownership : <<"[{'riak@
    ring_creation_size : 64
    storage_backend : riak_kv_eleveldb_backend
    erlydtl_version : <<"0.7.0">>
    riak_control_version : <<"1.2.0">>
    cluster_info_version : <<"1.2.2">>
    riak_api_version : <<"1.2.0">>
    riak_search_version : <<"1.2.0">>
    merge_index_version : <<"1.2.0">>
    riak_kv_version : <<"1.2.0">>
    riak_pipe_version : <<"1.2.0">>
    riak_core_version : <<"1.2.0">>
    lager_version : <<"1.2.0">>
    syntax_tools_version : <<"1.6.8">>
    compiler_version : <<"4.8.1">>
    bitcask_version : <<"1.5.1">>
    basho_stats_version : <<"1.0.2">>
    luke_version : <<"0.2.5">>
    webmachine_version : <<"1.9.2">>
    mochiweb_version : <<"1.5.1">>
    inets_version : <<"5.9">>
    erlang_js_version : <<"1.2.0">>
    runtime_tools_version : <<"1.8.8">>
    os_mon_version : <<"2.2.9">>
    riak_sysmon_version : <<"1.1.2">>
    ssl_version : <<"5.0.1">>
    public_key_version : <<"0.15">>
    crypto_version : <<"2.1">>
    sasl_version : <<"2.2.1">>
    stdlib_version : <<"1.18.1">>
    kernel_version : <<"2.15.1">>
    memory_total : 26853928
    memory_processes : 6744452
    memory_processes_used : 6744438
    memory_system : 20109476
    memory_atom : 429569
    memory_atom_used : 406875
    memory_binary : 58504
    memory_code : 9277444
    memory_ets : 774080


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