Hi everyone,
One of the things we use Riak for is to serve images straight to the browser 
(obviously via a firewall etc etc). These images are displayed on our webpages 
so when the browser loads the page it will fire off GET requests for the image 
URLs and for good measure it will include a referer header when doing this. 
This works fine in production since we're still on Riak 1.0.2 but our dev and 
stage clusters have been upgraded to 1.2.0 and the story is a bit different 
Riak will respond with 403 Forbidden if the referer header is set, the same is 
also logged in the access.log files.

I found this while digging around:
"Validate that the Referer matches up with scheme, host and port of the machine 
that received the request"

Since the referer (http://mysupderduperwebapp.xyz/snazzypage.html) will not 
match the scheme, host and port of the riak node that received the request no 
image will be served.
Is there any way to configure riak 1.2.0 to allow any referer header value?

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