Hi, riak users

I have object with two different secondary indexes - status and type. For 
example, I would like to query all keys with status=new AND type=gloves. 
As wiki says "In version 1.0 of Riak, index queries are only supported on one 
index field at a time." 
I would like to know: if anything changed in this field since 1.0?

I have found the following solutions for this task:
1. Create separate index value for specified pair status and type, for example 
{<<"index">>, [{<<"status_and_type_bin ">>, term_to_binary({new, gloves})}]}
2. Use the query result by only one index as map-reduce input pipe and filter 
values in MR.
3. Maybe I think too relational and should use other object structure?

Please, advise. Is there other solutions for this issue?

Boris Ilyushonak


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