Hi, I am trying to get started with Riak, so installed the 'riak_1.1.4-1_i386.deb' on a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bit System running in a Virtual Box VM. I no not have any cluster.
> > I have a script which does the following: > > 1. It creates 50 child processes which run in parallel > 2. Each Child process does the following > a. Creates 1000 entries using the provides REST interface. The entry > is a simple json value with 4 attributes and an integer key. This goes > through fine. > > The Json object is something like {"name": "Test1", "title": > "This is the title for Test1", "count": 1, "pid": 1234}. The pid is the > process ID of the process creating the entry. I later use this to query the > entries created by the process. > > b. Reads the entries created by it. A Javascript Map function which > is stored as an object is used to filter and return only the entries > created by the process > > > During the reads, I get the following errors in HTTP response: > > > > {"phase":0,"error":"[worker_limit_reached]","input":"{<<\"samples\">>,<<\"11505823\">>}","type":"result","stack":"[]"} > > and > > {"phase":0,"error":"[preflist_exhausted]","input":"{ok,{r_object,<<\"samples\">>,<<\"11506270\">>,[{r_content,{dict,7,16,16,8,80,48,{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]},{{[],[],[[<<\"Links\">>]],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[[<<\"content-type\">>,97,112,112,108,105,99,97,116,105,111,110,47,106,115,111,110],[<<\"X-Riak-VTag\">>,78,109,90,48,101,81,88,51,55,54,85,120,120,115,68,101,71,108,76,77,71]],[[<<\"index\">>]],[],[[<<\"X-Riak-Last-Modified\">>|{1342,87419,992551}]],[],[[<<\"charset\">>,85,84,70,45,56],[<<\"X-Riak-Meta\">>]]}}},<<\"{ > \\n ...\">>}],...},...}","type":"forward_preflist","stack":"[]"} > > The crash log has these: > > 2012-07-12 15:24:10 =ERROR REPORT==== > Module riak_kv_pipe_get must be purged before loading > > 2012-07-12 15:24:10 =ERROR REPORT==== > Loading of /usr/lib/riak/lib/riak_kv-1.1.4/ebin/riak_kv_pipe_get.beam > failed: not_purged > 2012-07-12 15:24:10 =ERROR REPORT==== > Module riak_kv_pipe_get must be purged before loading > > 2012-07-12 15:24:10 =ERROR REPORT==== > Loading of /usr/lib/riak/lib/riak_kv-1.1.4/ebin/riak_kv_pipe_get.beam > failed: not_purged > 2012-07-12 15:24:10 =ERROR REPORT==== > Module riak_kv_pipe_get must be purged before loading > > 2012-07-12 15:24:10 =ERROR REPORT==== > Loading of /usr/lib/riak/lib/riak_kv-1.1.4/ebin/riak_kv_pipe_get.beam > failed: not_purged > 2012-07-12 15:24:10 =ERROR REPORT==== > Module riak_kv_mrc_map must be purged before loading > > 2012-07-12 15:24:10 =ERROR REPORT==== > Loading of /usr/lib/riak/lib/riak_kv-1.1.4/ebin/riak_kv_mrc_map.beam > failed: not_purged > 2012-07-12 15:24:10 =ERROR REPORT==== > Module riak_kv_mrc_map must be purged before loading > > 2012-07-12 15:24:10 =ERROR REPORT==== > Loading of /usr/lib/riak/lib/riak_kv-1.1.4/ebin/riak_kv_mrc_map.beam > failed: not_purged > 2012-07-12 15:24:10 =ERROR REPORT==== > Loading of /usr/lib/riak/lib/riak_kv-1.1.4/ebin/riak_kv_mrc_map.beam > failed: not_purged > 2012-07-12 15:24:11 =ERROR REPORT==== > Module riak_kv_mrc_map must be purged before loading > > 2012-07-12 15:24:12 =CRASH REPORT==== > crasher: > initial call: riak_pipe_vnode_worker:init/1 > pid: <0.2303.0> > registered_name: [] > exception exit: > {init_failed,error,{case_clause,{error,{insufficient_vnodes,0,need,1}}}} > in function gen_fsm:init_it/6 > in call from proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3 > ancestors: > [<0.340.0>,<0.339.0>,riak_core_vnode_sup,riak_core_sup,<0.93.0>] > messages: [] > links: [<0.340.0>] > dictionary: > [{eunit,[{module,riak_pipe_vnode_worker},{partition,1050454301831586472458898473514828420377701515264},{<0.339.0>,<0.339.0>},{details,{fitting_details,{fitting,<0.1136.0>,#Ref<>,follow,1},0,riak_kv_mrc_map,{{jsanon,{<<"functions">>,<<"get_by_pid">>}},11043},{fitting,<0.799.0>,#Ref<>,sink,undefined},[{sink,{fitting,<0.799.0>,#Ref<>,sink,undefined}},{log,sink},{trace,{set,1,16,16,8,80,48,{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]},{{[],[],[error],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]}}}}],64}}]}] > trap_exit: false > status: running > heap_size: 987 > stack_size: 24 > reductions: 256 > neighbours: > 2012-07-12 15:24:12 =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== > Supervisor: {<0.340.0>,riak_pipe_vnode_worker_sup} > Context: child_terminated > Reason: > {init_failed,error,{case_clause,{error,{insufficient_vnodes,0,need,1}}}} > Offender: > [{pid,<0.2303.0>},{name,undefined},{mfargs,{riak_pipe_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined}},{restart_type,temporary},{shutdown,2000},{child_type,worker}] > > > I did search the Basho site for the error messages and found that some > configurtion changes in app.config and setting ulimit might help. But that > didnt solve my problem. > > My ulimit is set as 'ulimit -n 4096'. I have also done the following > changes to the app.config: > > diff /etc/riak/app.config /etc/riak/orig.app.config > 65c65 > < %% {pb_backlog, 500}, > --- > > %% {pb_backlog, 5}, > 80d79 > < {riak_pipe, [{worker_limit, 1000}]}, > 97,99c96,98 > < {map_js_vm_count, 2048 }, > < {reduce_js_vm_count, 2048 }, > < {hook_js_vm_count, 2048 }, > --- > > {map_js_vm_count, 8 }, > > {reduce_js_vm_count, 6 }, > > {hook_js_vm_count, 2 }, > 110c109 > < {js_max_vm_mem, 800}, > --- > > {js_max_vm_mem, 8}, > 115c114 > < {js_thread_stack, 1600}, > --- > > {js_thread_stack, 16}, > > > Any pointers for this issue will be helpful. > > Regards, > Balu > > >
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