Hi everyone,

I'm new to Riak, and have been playing around with it the last few
days.  The first thing I did to become familiar with Riak was to write
a benchmarking utility that uses node.js to write as many key/value
pairs as it can, as quick as it can.  I'm using node_riak
(https://github.com/mranney/node_riak) for this, over the HTTP

Anyway, after I go just past 1,000 inserts, I start seeing errors like these:

riak response error too many pending requests, get

And here is the JSON that I get back from Riak:

{ reason: 'full',
  delay: true,
   { options:
      { path: '/riak/test-benchmark/test_1007',
        headers: [Object],
        retry_not_found: true,
        method: 'GET',
        retryDelay: 20,
        retryFilter: [Function],
        stream: false,
        success: false } },
  message: 'too many pending requests' }

This seems like too low a number to be having issues like this, so I'd
like to ask if there are any parameters I could check or change, or
any troubleshooting I can try?


-- Doug


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