I was struggling with this as well. I would get proper dates in a JS test
console, but the exact same function under Riak would yield null dates.

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 6:48 PM, Ryan Lazuka <lazuk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Data.parse() does not seem to be working in a MapReduce phase.
> http://codepad.org/sT0E5ch5   Here is the resulting array:
> [{"description":"","signed-in_date":"07-20-2012","signed-in_time":"9:43
> pm","date-time":null},{"description":"","signed-in_date":"07-20-2012","signed-in_time":"9:41
> pm","date-time":null}] ­
> For example, it's trying to parse this date/time: "2012-07-20T21:41:00",
> but that just results in a null value.  Like the "date-time" properties
> above.
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