One answer is: dict:to_list/1 and dict:from_list may be your friends.
Another is: Are you sure that dict is appropriate for your data? If the number 
of entries is bounded and does not exceed around a dozen, then a property list 
might be faster.
(Although I'd advice you to use lists:keyfind(Key, 1, PropList) rather than 
proplist:get_value(); there's a significant speed difference.)
Thirdly, you can of course translate to JSON and back, but keeping the data on 
Erlang term form is probably both simpler and faster.


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Florian Odronitz []
Sent: 23 June 2012 16:39
Subject: JSON-Encoding from riakc

Hello List,

I am using the riak-erlang-client and I am trying to store JSON. Now the 
riak_pb_kv_codec module assumes that when using the erlang client one would 
always like to encode data in erlang binaries. Which is ok with me _until_ 
riak_search needs to index this data.
I know the indexing also works on erlang data but only until one uses 
proplists. But I use dicts in all my data structures...
Any ideas about how to best proceed?

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