Thanks Guys.

And I did try with default eleveldb configuration and it worked very well,
Thanks. I am now thinking of migration from cassandra to riak.
At start I thought that giving more write_buffer_size will help in write
performance like it happens in cassandra.

I have 3 more queries, I hope I am not troubling you guys much:

1. As LevelDB keeps keys and values in a block cache, how it does the
management of key spaces that are larger than available memory? like in
memcached/redis LRU is used for memory management, here in leveldb how
block cache gets managed?

2. if at start i have 2 nodes and i set n_val of 2, can I change n_val to 3
after adding 3rd node without making cluster down?

3. What are the chances/probability of cluster failure for 2 node cluster
with n_val of 2? I will be increasing cluster size on the availability of
new nodes and n_val as well.

Thanks for the help guys.
Amol Rajoba

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:23 AM, Daniel Reverri <> wrote:

>  Hi Amol,
> What motivated the eleveldb configuration changes in app.config? Have you
> evaluated performance using the default configuration values?
> The settings you modified are per vnode. A 2 node cluster, using the
> default ring size of 64, has 32 vnodes per node. The chosen
> write_buffer_size seems quite large. Can you retry your test using the
> default configuration values?
> Thanks,
> Dan
> --
> Daniel Reverri
> Architect
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hi Amol,
> It looks like you're out of RAM. One of the offending entries from your
> log:
> 2012-06-15 19:09:31.777 [error] <0.20970.188> gen_server <0.20970.188>
> terminated with reason:
> {mem_error,[{zlib,call,3},{zlib,zip,1},{riak_kv_pb_socket,process_message,2},{riak_kv_pb_socket,handle_info,2},{gen_server2,handle_msg,7},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}
> Is there any any chance you could add a machine or two and to the cluster
> and run the test gain?
> Mark
> On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 11:34 PM, Amol Rajoba <>wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Can anybody help here?
> Also found that due to continuous put operation beam.smp taking 2.9G RAM,
> what could be reason of this?
> Thanks.
> Amol Rajoba
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