Hi Joseph,

The obvious solution that springs to mind is using a snapshot, either at
the block level (LVM), file system (ZFS, btrfs), or virtual machine level.


On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 7:10 PM, Joseph Guhlin <joseph.guh...@gmail.com>wrote:

> What is the best way to refresh a Riak server? I'm using it in a
> different way in that I do not need any persistence of the data and in
> fact need the data cleared out each restart(but the data is too large
> to hold in RAM).
> Basically I am using riak(or a cluster of 4, depending on where I'm at
> in the development stages) to store objects that are shared between 12
> processes that are independent from each other and each given a chunk
> to work on, in the end all the necessary data is exported to flat
> textfiles.
> I've found when I restart riak I end up getting errors when I try to
> re-input the data. I've tried rm -rf'ing the data directory and it
> definitely does not like that.  So far make clean; make rel  has been
> the best solution for me.
> I'm sure for my use case there is a better tool(or not, Riak works
> great, gives me fast read/write support and let's me store the data in
> encoded form to be passed to other processes for later mangling). Any
> ideas?
> Sorry if this has been asked before, I tried searching and couldn't
> come up with anything.
> Thanks,
> --Joseph
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