I went through the basic setup for setting up a 4 node cluster on 1 box...via 
standard means for CentOS:

1. install erlang
2. install build-tools etc.
3. unpack riak source
4. make all devrel
5. start all nodes
6. join all nodes onto node 1

but I can't connect to the cluster. 

Well, oddly enough I can connect if I use the curl command in the 
instructions...using But when I try to connect remotely...or 
even on the *same* box, only using the actual IP instead of 
refuses to connect. There are no iptable rules on this box.

Here is output from trying to execute curl using actual ip first, then 
localhost next.


[riak@dev-riak1 dev]$ /sbin/ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX  
          inet addr:

[riak@dev-riak1 dev]$ curl -H "Accept: text/plain"
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host

[riak@dev-riak1 dev]$ curl -H "Accept: text/plain"
    "vnode_gets": 0,
    "vnode_puts": 0,
    "vnode_index_reads": 0,
    "vnode_index_writes": 0,
    "vnode_index_writes_postings": 0,


Trying to connect remotely I get the same thing from different client, curl , 
rest client, browser, etc.

Any ideas? Is there some extra configuration for the dev cluster setup needed 
to get it to answer remote requests? Did I miss something obvious?



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