I would say yes... Probably, if you're on a 64bit system. . Unless you're 
shifting stuff through JavaScript in which case I doubt it. Cause last I 
checked, js don't speak 64bit int. 

@siculars on twitter

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On Jun 7, 2012, at 17:08, Berend Ozceri <ber...@eye.fi> wrote:

> I apologize for asking this question if it's an FAQ or is documented 
> somewhere, but I don't see anything specific mentioned about the size of 
> integer indexes in 2i:
> http://wiki.basho.com/Secondary-Indexes.html
> I certainly could dive into to source code to answer this question, but in 
> case someone here knows, what's the size of an integer index in 2i? I'm 
> hoping that the answer will be that it's 64 bits…
> Thanks,
> Berend
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