Evening, Morning, Afternoon to All Here's a LONG overdue Recap. As you can imagine, there's a lot of good stuff in here: new code, blog posts, meetups, slides, and more.
Enjoy. Mark twitter.com/pharkmillups ----------------------------------- Riak Recap for May 21 - June 6 ======================= 1) Tom Santero gave talk at GOTO Copenhagen a few weeks back called Riak in the Cloud. * Slides here ---> http://www.slideshare.net/tsantero/riak-in-the-cloud 2) hexreel released bottle-riak, a plugin that integrates Riak with Bottle applications. * Code here ---> https://github.com/hexreel/bottle-riak 3) The team at QBranch put together a short blog post about how and why they are using Riak. * Blog post ---> http://blog.frli.se/2012/05/riak-at-qbranch.html * We also added them to the production users page ---> http://basho.com/company/production-users#user-qbranch (You, too, could be on this page....) 4) Basho is sponsoring a round (or three) of drinks at Puppet Camp in Boston on June 22nd. * Details here ---> http://puppetcampboston.eventbrite.com/ 5) Thiago Avelino gave a presentation on Riak Search and released his slides. * Check them out here ---> http://www.slideshare.net/avelinoo/nosql-for-search-riak 6) Just before heading on holiday, Mathias Meyer gave a great talk at NoSQL Matters called Designing for Concurrency with Riak. * Slides here ---> https://speakerdeck.com/u/roidrage/p/designing-for-concurrency-with-riak 7) Nam Nguyen wrote a blog post about his first week working with Riak. * Read here ---> http://techualization.blogspot.com/2012/05/one-week-with-riak.html 8) Michael Bernstein released a whole bunch of Go and Riak code. * riakpbc: a Riak PBC client for GO ---> https://github.com/mrb/riakpbc * shoebox: a sample Riak application written in Go ---> https://github.com/mrb/shoebox 9) Matt Ranney and the Voxer crew will be talking about using Riak in Production at the Next SF Riak Meetup. * Details and registration here ---> http://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Riak-Meetup/events/68028502/ 10) Sean Cribbs gave a talk at Berlin Buzzwords on eventually consistent data structures and how they might work in Riak. * Slides here ---> http://berlinbuzzwords.de/sites/berlinbuzzwords.de/files/slides/Eventually-Consistent%20Data%20Structures%20(bbuzz12).pdf 11) More new code: Andrea Luzzardi released a statsd plugin for Riak Python clients. * Code here ---> https://github.com/aluzzardi/riak-statsd-python 12) Ulf Norell and John Hughes (with the help of Scott Lystig Fritchie, Jon Meredith, and Dave Smith) gave at talk at the recent Erlang User Conference about testing Riak (and eventual consistency) with QuickCheck. * Slides here ---> http://www.erlang-factory.com/upload/presentations/593/ThePropertiesofRiak.pdf 13) George Reese wrote a piece for O'Reilly about using Riak with Dasein Persist. * Read here ---> http://broadcast.oreilly.com/2012/05/object-nosql-mapping-for-riak-with-dasein-persist.html 14) Andy Gross' Riak Use Cases slides from GOTO Amsterdam are online. * Check them out here ---> http://gotocon.com/dl/goto-amsterdam-2012/slides/AndyGross_RiakUseCasesDissectingTheSolutionsToHardProblems.pdf 15) Ilya Bogunov gave a talk on Riak and the video made it online. * Watch here ---> https://vimeo.com/42619422 16) Colin Alston moved over the Twisted Python code he and a few others at Praekelt are working on to a GitHub repo called riakasaurus. * Code here ---> https://github.com/calston/riakasaurus * I also did some snooping on Colin's blog and it turns out he was hiding a few posts about Riak ---> http://imcol.in/?s=riak+ 17) The team at Rakuten released a slide deck about a storage system they wrote called LeoFS that uses Bitcask. * Slides here ---> http://www.slideshare.net/rakutentech/rakuten-leofs-distributed-file-system 18) Carlo Scarioni wrote a blog post about using Java to talk to Riak, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis and CouchDB. * Read here ---> http://cscarioni.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/i-had-requirement-in-my-current-job-to.html 19) Some new StackOverflow Content to pass along: * Riak Search Strings all JSON ---> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10893140/riak-search-json-properties-are-all-strings * Riak for Grails Plugin ---> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10752381/riak-for-grails-plugin * Finding Maximum Value for Numeric Secondary Index in Riak ---> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10793760/finding-maximum-value-for-numeric-secondary-index-in-riak 20) We released v0.3 of the Riak Community Release Notes. * Read here ---> https://github.com/basho/the-riak-community/blob/master/release-notes/riak-community-0.3.md
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