Hi There,

So the PBC API is lagging behind the HTTP API a bit at the moment. One
of the shortcomings is the support for setting bucket properties
(which means you can't enable search through the PBC API at the
moment). We do, however, have plans to bring the PBC API to feature
parity with its RESTful counterpart in the not-so-distant future.

That said, you can still *use* Search with the PBC API. You just have
to enable it differently. The two options are to set up a bucket to be
indexed via the command line [1] or to set the bucket property via the
HTTP API [2] and then switch over to using PBC.

Hope that helps. Sorry for the inconvenience.


[2] http://wiki.basho.com/HTTP-Set-Bucket-Properties.html

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 10:31 PM, mine name <ae10b...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi
> I am trying to use Riak Search with the Python client.
> I am able to use search if I use the Http interface, but not if i use
> Protocol buffers. If I create a RiakClient using RiakPbcTransport,
> bucket.enable_search() returns true but if I call bucket.search_enabled()
> after that, it returns false. Searches always give empty results. Other
> than this I am able to use to RiakClient with RiakPbcTransport.
> Any idea what I am doing wrong?
> Thank you.
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